Math 567A: Algebraic Geometry
Fall quarter 2021, University of Washington
Lectures: Mon/Wed 11:30-12:50, PDL C401
Instructor: Jarod Alper (
Office hours: Wed, 4-5 pm
Syllabus: varieties and schemes
Homework: Problems suggested in lecture and
- HW 1 Hartshorne I.1: 3-8, 11-12 and Hartshorne I.2: 2-7
HW 2 Hartshorne I.3: 1-12
HW 3 Hartshorne I.3: 14-21, I.4: 1-6
HW 4 Hartshorne I.4: 7-10, I.5: 1-7
HW 5 Hartshorne II.1: all exercises
HW 6 Hartshorne II.2: 1-13
HW 7 Hartshorne II.2: 15 (only if you want to understand the correspondence between classically defined varieties and schemes), 16-19
HW 8 Hartshorne II.3: 1-11, 13