Geometry at the ANU: Conference

Geometry at the ANU: Conference

Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

August 22-26, 2016


All talks and registration in Allan Barton Forum, CBE Building 26C

MondayAugust 22
8:30-9 Welcome and registration Allan Barton Forum, CBE Building 26C
9-10 Burt Totaro (UCLA) Rationality does not specialize among terminal varieties abstract
10-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30 Klaus Hulek (Hannover) Complete moduli of cubic threefolds abstract
11:45-12:45 Ana-Maria Castravet (Northeastern) Derived category of moduli spaces of pointed stable rational curves abstract
12:45-2:30 Lunch break
2:30-3:30 François Charles (Paris-Sud) Bertini irreducibility theorems in arithmetic abstract
3:30-4 Coffee
4-5 Daniel Chan (UNSW) Moduli stacks of Serre stable representations abstract
5-6:30 Welcome reception Wig & Pen, Llewellyn Hall, William Herbert Pl
TuesdayAugust 23
9-10 Sándor Kovács (Washington) On the boundedness of slc surfaces of general type abstract
10-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30 Peter O'Sullivan (ANU) Universal principal bundles over a scheme abstract
11:45-12:45Emanuele Macri (Northeastern) Bridgeland stability for semiorthogonal decompositions abstract
12:45-2:30 Lunch break
2:30-3:30Michael Kemeny (Humboldt/Stanford) Betti numbers of canonical curves and Hurwitz spaces abstract
3:30-4 Coffee
4-5 Jochen Heinloth (Essen) A stack theoretic GIT criterion to construct separated coarse moduli abstract
WednesdayAugust 24
9-10Michel Brion (Institut Fourier) Commutative algebraic groups up to isogeny abstract
10-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30 Jason Starr (Stony Brook) Spaces of Rational Curves and Varieties in Positive Characteristic abstract
11:45-12:45 Daniel Murfet (Melbourne) Generalised orbifolding of simple singularities abstract
Free afternoon
ThursdayAugust 25
9-10 Valery Alexeev (Georgia) Generalizations of Losev-Manin moduli spaces abstract
10-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30Ruibin Zhang (Sydney) Invariant theory of classical supergroups abstract
11:45-12:45 Dawei Chen (BC) Compactification of strata of abelian differentials abstract
12:45-2:30 Lunch break
2:30-3:30 Benjamin Bakker (Humboldt/Georgia) The birational geometry of complex ball quotients abstract
3:30-4 Coffee
4-5 Eduardo Esteves (IMPA) Toric tilings, compactified Jacobians and limit linear series abstract
FridayAugust 26
9-10 Izzet Coskun (UIC) The birational geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces abstract
10-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:30Tuyen Truong (Adelaide) Some etale ideas in algebraic and topological dynamical systems abstract
11:45-12:45Brett Parker (ANU) Tropical enumeration of curves in blowups of the projective plane abstract
12:45-2:30 Lunch break
2:30-3:30David Jensen (Kentucky) A nonarchimedean analytic approach to the geometry of general curves abstract
3:30-4 Coffee
4-5 Claire Voisin (CNRS) Cubic fourfolds and O'Grady 10-dimensional hyper-Kaehler manifolds abstract