Cornell University, Fall 2013

Math 2310 -- Linear Algebra with Applications


Farbod Shokrieh
Office: 436 Malott Hall
Office Hours: Wednesdays 10-11 AM, Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 PM, and by appointment

Course Webpage:


Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Edition
We will cover Chapters 1--4, as well as selected topics from Chapters 5--8.

Lecture time and place:

Lec 001 (MWF 12:20-1:10 PM): 224 Malott Hall
Lec 002 (MWF 1:25-2:15 PM): 253 Malott Hall


Homework will be assigned once a week, and will be due at the beginning of class each Friday. Late homework will not be accepted.
There will be short quizzes in class. Problems will be chosen from the turned in homework.
I strongly encourage you to work extra problems from the book on your own.


On the homework sets, collaboration is both allowed and encouraged. However, you must write up yourself and understand your own homework solutions. You should give credit to any outside sources or collaborations.


There will be 2 in-class midterm exams during the semester plus a cumulative final exam at the end of the course. The (tentative) dates are:
Midterm 1: Monday, October 7 (in class)
Midterm 2: Friday, November 15 (in class)
Final Exam: Friday, December 13, 9:00 -- 11:30 AM (location)
The use of calculators or notes is not permitted during the exams.


The two midterm exams, final exam, and homework will each make up 25% of your class grade.
Update: After the first midterm exam I decided that I will drop the lowest exam grade, and give 37.5% weight to each of the other two exams. Note, however, that taking the cumilative final exam is required for all students.

Academic honesty:

All students are expected to comply with the Code of Academic Integrity. The institute honor code is available at:

(Last modified on: November 22, 2013)