WXML Winter 2018

Number Theory and Noise

Sherry Chen, Joo Young "Jon" Kim, Joshua Ramirez

This project investigates the representations of sets of positive integers (sequences) as sound.

A digital audio waveform is created from a given set A of positive integers by setting sample number i to a non-zero constant c for all i in the set. All other samples are set to zero.

For example, the waveform for the primes starts like this:

We use the standard CD-audio sampling rate of 44100 samples per second, so Δt = 1/44100= 0.0000226757... seconds.

For many sets, the result is what most people would describe as noise.

OEIS sequences

OIES iddescription sound player creator
A001913 Full reptend primes: primes with primitive root 10. download Joo Young "Jon" Kim
A001504 a(n) = (3n+1)(3n+2). downloadJoo Young "Jon" Kim
Numbers congruent to 4 or 7 mod 87 download Joo Young "Jon" Kim
Number congruent to 0 mod 51download Joo Young "Jon" Kim
Previous waveform approximated by an increasing number of terms of its Fourier series up to the Nyquist frequencydownload Joo Young "Jon" Kim
A014261 Numbers that contain odd digits only. downloadSherry Chen
A059708 Numbers n such that all digits have same parity. downloadSherry Chen
A267085 Numbers such that the number formed by digits in even position divides, or is divisible by, the number formed by the digits in odd position; both must be nonzero. downloadSherry Chen
A267086 Numbers such that the number formed by digits in even positions divides, or is divisible by, the number formed by the digits in odd positions; zero allowed. (terms up to 5x106) downloadSherry Chen
A267086 Numbers such that the number formed by digits in even positions divides, or is divisible by, the number formed by the digits in odd positions; zero allowed. (terms between 1010 and 1010+5x106 ) downloadSherry Chen
A236402 Numbers with property that the sum of any pair of adjacent digits is a substring of the number. downloadSherry Chen
A236402-21fact Numbers with property that the sum of any pair of adjacent digits is a substring of the number (sequence starting from 21!) downloadSherry Chen
A007304 Sphenic numbers: products of 3 distinct primes. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A023204 Numbers m such that m and 2*m + 3 are both prime. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A007602 Numbers that are divisible by the product of their digits. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A039770 Numbers n such that phi(n) is a perfect square. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A006532 Numbers n such that sum of divisors of n is a square. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A276967 Odd integers n such that 2^n == 2^3 (mod n). downloadJoshua Ramirez
A003624 Duffinian numbers: n composite and relatively prime to sigma(n). downloadJoshua Ramirez
A015765 Numbers n such that phi(n) | sigma_7(n). downloadJoshua Ramirez
A005835 Pseudoperfect (or semiperfect) numbers n: some subset of the proper divisors of n sums to n. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A007675 Numbers n such that n, n+1 and n+2 are squarefree. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A001122 Primes with primitive root 2. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A057531 Numbers n such that sum of digits of n equals the numbers of divisors of n. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A152088 Positive integers n that when written in binary have exactly the same number of (non-leading) 0's as the number of divisors of n. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A110806 Numbers n such that sum of the digits as well as number of digits divides n. downloadJoshua Ramirez
A023172 Self-Fibonacci numbers: numbers n such that n divides Fibonacci(n). downloadJoshua Ramirez
A001837 Numbers n such that phi(2n+1) < phi(2n). downloadJoshua Ramirez

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