WXML Autumn 2017

Number Theory and Noise

Nile Wymar, Lisa Yan

This project investigates the representations of sets of positive integers (sequences) as sound.

A digital audio waveform is created from a given set A of positive integers by setting sample number i to a non-zero constant c for all i in the set. All other samples are set to zero.

For example, the waveform for the primes starts like this:

We use the standard CD-audio sampling rate of 44100 samples per second, so Δt = 1/44100= 0.0000226757... seconds.

For many sets, the result is what most people would describe as noise.

OEIS sequences

OIES iddescription sound player creator
A050504Floor of n log n downloadHannah Claire Van Wyk
A000059Numbers n such that (2n)^4 + 1 is prime. downloadNile Wymar
A000068 Numbers n such that n^4 + 1 is prime. downloadNile Wymar
A000469 1 together with products of 2 or more distinct primes downloadNile Wymar
A000879 Number of primes < prime(n)^2 downloadNile Wymar
A001043 Numbers that are the sum of 2 successive primes downloadNile Wymar
A000062 a(n) = floor(n/(e-2)). downloadNile Wymar
A000572 a(n)= floor (n(e+1)) downloadNile Wymar
A000201 a(n) = floor(n*phi), where phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 downloadNile Wymar
A0002773*n - 2*floor(sqrt(4*n+5)) + 5 downloadNile Wymar
A001097Twin primesdownloadNile Wymar
A005101Abundant numbers (sum of divisors of n exceeds 2n)downloadNile Wymar
A005100Deficient numbers: numbers n such that sigma(n) < 2n.downloadNile Wymar
A007066a(n) = 1 + ceiling((n-1)*phi^2), phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2. downloadNile Wymar
A007510Single (or isolated or non-twin) primes: Primes p such that neither p-2 nor p+2 is primedownloadNile Wymar
A007645 Generalized cuban primes: primes of the form x^2 + xy + y^2; or primes of the form x^2 + 3*y^2; or primes == 0 or 1 mod 3.downloadNile Wymar
A030059Numbers that are the product of an odd number of distinct primesdownloadNile Wymar
A001951Beatty sequence: floor(sqrt(2)n)download
Beatty sequence for 1.4download
Beatty sequence for 1.41download
Beatty sequence for 1.414download
Beatty sequence for 1.4142download
A047381 floor(n*7/5) downloadLisa Yan
floor(n*577/408) Lisa Yan
A001950 floor(n*phi^2) downloadLisa Yan
A003152 floor(n*(1+1/sqrt(2))) downloadLisa Yan
A003511 floor( n * (1 + sqrt(3))/2 ) downloadLisa Yan
A059535 floor( n * Pi^2/6 ) downloadLisa Yan
A022844 floor( n * Pi ) downloadLisa Yan
A028834Numbers n such that the sum of digits of n is a prime. downloadNile Wymar
A028838 Numbers n such that the sum of digits of n is a power of 2 downloadNile Wymar
A028839 Number n such that the sum of digits of n is a square downloadNile Wymar
A028840 Numbers n such that the sum of digits of n is a Fibonacci number downloadNile Wymar
A054683 Numbers n such that the sum of digits is even downloadNile Wymar
A295389 Numbers n such that the sum of digits is square-free downloadNile Wymar
A061910Numbers n such that the sum of digits of n^2 is a square downloadNile Wymar
Base 2 version of A61910: n such that sum of binary digits of n^2 is square downloadNile Wymar
A237525Numberd n such that the sum of digits of n^3 is a cube downloadNile Wymar
A235227Numbers n such that the sum of digits is 16 downloadNile Wymar
Numbers n such that sum of digits is 25 downloadNile Wymar
Numbers n such that sum of digits is 36 downloadNile Wymar
A084561Sum of binary digits is a square downloadNile Wymar
A001969Sum of binary digits is even downloadNile Wymar

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