
Dr. Matthew Conroy

Office hours and email


sections DA, DB

Niket Thakkar

sections DC, DD

Mary Solbrig

solbrigm at

office hours: Tu 1:30-2:30, Th 4-5 at MSC

Exam Dates:

Midterm 1: January 26
Midterm 2: February 23

Final Exam: Saturday, March 10
1:30-4:20 PM
Location: PAA A118

March 18, 2012

You are welcome to stop by any of my office hours next quarter to see your final exam. If you agree with the grading, you can take the final with you; once the exam has left my office, no scores changes can take place.

March 17, 2012

Course grades have now been calculated and are available on Catalyst. These are the actual course grades, with the course curve. You are welcome to stop by my office hours once Spring quarter starts if you would like to see your final exam.

Have a good break!

March 17, 2012

Final exam stats: n=110; min=9; 1st quartile=59; median=75; 3rd quartile=87; max=100 (2 students).

Course grades are being calculated.

March 15, 2012

Grading of finals is taking longer than usual. I won't have an office hour before Spring quarter.If you would like to see your final exam, you are welcome to stop by during any of my office hours during Spring quarter. Scores and course grades should be available on Catalyst in the next couple of days.

Have a good break!

March 6, 2012

There will be a review at CLUE from 8:00 to 10:00 pm on Friday, 9 March in MGH 389.

March 5, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the final exam.

March 2, 2012

The predator-prey model I mentioned in class today is described via Lotka-Volterra equations. This wikipedia page has nice pictures and exposition about this simple model.

February 27, 2012

Answers to the second midterm exam can now be found in my exam archive (link at right).

February 27, 2012

You now have access to your exam scores in the Catalyst Gradebook for this course. This is available via your MyUW. Please check that your scores have been recorded correctly. If you find an error, please bring your graded work to your TA so they can verify the error and make any necessary changes. The gradebook also has an estimate grade. This is an estimated course grade, since it does not include the final exam or the last homework assignment. An estimated course grade of 0 indicates that your performance was not of sufficient quality to qualify you for a grade of 0.7 or higher.

The final exam makes up 35% of your grade, so a good final exam score can increase your course grade quite a lot, certainly 0.5 is possible, especially if your grade now is low, and even greater increases have been seen.

February 27, 2012

Statistics for the second midterm exam: n=113; min=23; 1st quartile=53; median=67; 3rd quartile=76; max = 85 (one student)

February 16, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the second midterm.

On the second midterm and on the final exam, you may use any of the integrals in the table on page 495 of the 7th edition of the text (it is on page 484 in the 6th edition) without justification. For all other integrals, complete work must be shown. I strongly recommend copying this table into your notesheet.

January 31, 2012

Answers to the first midterm are now in the exam archive (link at right).

January 30, 2012

Statistics for the first midterm exam: n=115; min=9; 1st quartile=43; median=53; 3rd quartile=61; max=70 (2 students)

Here is table giving an approximate 4.0-scale interpretation of your exam score. This is just to give you a rough idea of how you are doing. The curve used to create this interpretation will not be the same curve used at the end of the course to determine your grade, since that curve will involve more data, but it will be somewhat similar.


January 20, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the first midterm exam.

When studying for the first midterm exam, you might make use of my exam archive (link at right). Note that your exam will only cover material through section 6.1, while many of the exams in the archive covered through 6.2 or 6.3. In particular, the topic of volume will not be on the upcoming exam, so please skip any problems in the archived exam involving volume.

On Monday, January 23, I will lecture on the topic of areas between curves (section 6.1 in the text). On Wednesday, we will review for the midterm exam which is on Thursday.

December 30, 2011

Welcome to Math 125 D, Winter quarter 2012.

Announcements and other useful things will be posted here during the quarter, so check this site frequently.

Discussion Board: The course has a discussion board (link at right). This is a great way to ask questions of me in a way that will benefit all students in the course. You can ask about homework questions, studying methods, etc. You can also use it to coordinate study sessions with other students.

Please print out the worksheets (link at right) and bring them to quiz section each Thursday.

The homework for this course is on WebAssign. The first assignment is due by 11 PM on Wednesday, January 11.

Here is the link to the login page for WebAssign.

Here is a jpg with instructions on how to log in.


Dr. Conroy's Exam Archive

Course Syllabus (pdf)

Course Discussion Board

Math 125 Materials Website


All Worksheets for 125 (30 page pdf)

Handouts and Supplements

Substitution Elaboration

36 Integrals to Practice (plus Advice!) ( hints/solutions )

Simple Riemann Sum applet

Other UW resources:

Math Study Center

Student Counseling Center

Information for Students of International TAs

Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE)