
Dr. Matthew Conroy

Office hours and email


sections AA, AB

Michael Kiyo

mkiyo at

sections AC, AD

Gautam Sisodia

gautas at

office hours: Thursday 1-3 in MSC

sections BA, BB

Yang Song

yangsong at

sections BC, BD

Alan Bartlett

alanmb at

Exam Dates:

Midterm 1: Thursday, January 26
Midterm 2: Thursday, February 23

Final Exam: Saturday, March 10
5 to 7:50 PM
Math 120 A - Kane 210
Math 120 B - Kane 220

March 18, 2012

You are welcome to stop by any of my office hours next quarter to see your final exam. If you agree with the grading, you can take the final with you; once the exam has left my office, no scores changes can take place.

March 17, 2012

Course grades have now been calculated and are available on Catalyst. These are the actual course grades, with the course curve. Lowest homework scores were dropped in the calculation of your homework average, but all homework scores appear as a matter of record. You are welcome to stop by my office hours once Spring quarter starts if you would like to see your final exam.

Some of you received 1 point of extra credit on your final exam. This is shown in the Extra Credit column on Catalyst. If this column is blank, it means that you did not receive any extra credit.

March 17, 2012

Here are the final exam statistics: n=289; min=1; 1st quartile=29; median=42; 3rd quartile=56; max=80 (3 students)

Course grade are now being calculated.

March 15, 2012

Grading of finals is taking longer than usual. I won't have an office hour before Spring quarter. If you would like to see your final exam, you are welcome to stop by during any of my office hours during Spring quarter. Scores and course grades should be available on Catalyst in the next couple of days.

Have a good break!

March 11, 2012

I have made my decisions on the extra credit "underground ferris wheel" question. I considered the following ferris wheels to be winning entries, and those who submitted them first will get a bonus point on their final exams:

I have added an extra credit column to the Catalyst gradebook. If you are getting the bonus point, a 1 will appear in this column. If not, nothing will be listed in this column.

March 7, 2012

Though the review sheet posted below does not make it clear, linear-to-linear rational functions are not a topic you need to concern yourself with for the final exam.

March 6, 2012

There will be a Math 120 review at CLUE, 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Friday, 9 March in MGH 251.

March 2, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the final exam.

February 27, 2012

Answers to the second midterm exam are now on the exam archive at the 120 Materials Website (link at right).

February 27, 2012

You now have access to your scores in the Catalyst Gradebook for this course. This is available via your MyUW. Please check that your scores have been recorded correctly. If you find an error, please bring your graded work to your TA so they can verify the error and make any necessary changes. The gradebook also has an estimate grade. This is an estimated course grade, since it does not include the final exam or the last homework assignment. Your lowest homework score was dropped during the calculation of your estimated course grade, but it still appears in the gradebook as a matter of record. An estimated course grade of 0 indicates that your performance was not of sufficient quality to qualify you for a grade of 0.7 or higher.

The final exam makes up 35% of your grade, so a good final exam score can increase your course grade quite a lot, certainly 0.5 is possible, especially if your grade now is low, and even greater increases have been seen.

February 27, 2012

Statistics on the second midterm exam: n=291; min=2; 1st quartile=15; median=18; 3rd quartile=22.50; max=40 (one student).

February 27, 2012

The circular motion examples link at right (under Handouts and Supplements) has a template for solving the circular motion problems you'll see in chapter 17. The first example is the one from today's lecture, but there is a second one.

February 16, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the second midterm exam.

Here is a list of problems in the exam archive which are relevant to the second midterm.

midterm 2

Autumn 2011 1,3,4
Spring 2011 2,3
Winter 2011 1, 3(b), 4
Autumn 2010 B 1, 3
Autumn 2010 C 1, 2, 4
Winter 2010 1, 3, 4
Autumn 2009 (Conroy) 1, 2, 4
Autumn 2009 (Loveless) 2, 3, 4
Winter 2009 1
Autumn 2008 (Conroy) 1

midterm 1

Autumn 2011 3, 4
Spring 2011 2, 4
Winter 2011 2
Autumn 2010 B 3, 4
Autumn 2010 C 3, 4
Winter 2010 3, 4
Autumn 2009 (Conroy) 1
Autumn 2009 (Loveless) 3, 4
Spring 2009 4
Winter 2009 1, 2
Autumn 2008 (Conroy) 1
Autumn 2008 (Loveless) 2, 5
Spring 2008 2, 3, 4
Winter 2008 1, 3, 4
Autumn 2007 (Conroy) 3, 4

January 31, 2012

Answers to the first midterm exam are now in the Math 120 exam archive on the Math 120 Materials Website (link at right).

January 30, 2012

Statistics for the first midterm exam: n=309; min=4; 1st quartile=21; median=27; 3rd quartile=32; max=40 (6 students).

Here is table giving an approximate 4.0-scale interpretation of your exam score. This is just to give you a rough idea of how you are doing. The curve used to create this interpretation will not be the same curve used at the end of the course to determine your grade, since that curve will involve more data, but it will be somewhat similar.


January 21, 2012

The homework schedule has been updated once again. As a result of the missed classes due to snow, I have removed chapter 14 from the course this quarter. This chapter covered linear-to-linear rational functions. When studying for the second midterm exam and final, you should skip problems in the exam archive involving these functions.

January 20, 2012

Here is a review sheet for the first midterm exam. The exam will cover chapters 1-5 of the text.

Usually the test archive (available via the Math 120 Materials Website (link at right)) is a good resource for preparing for the midterm exams. However, due to the snow cancellations, the first midterm this quarter will cover less than those exams cover. The following are the only problems on the last bunch of Midterm 1's that you should use for practice; other problems involve topics in later chapters. Unless otherwise noted, all exams are from my previous classes (i.e., the link will say Conroy).

quarterproblems to consider
2011 Autumn1, 2
2011 Spring1, 3
2011 Winter1, 3, 4(a)
2010 Autumn B1, 2
2010 Autumn C1,2
2010 Winter 1,2, 4(b)
2009 Autumn (Conroy)2, 3, 4
2009 Autumn (Loveless)1,2
2009 Spring 1,2
2009 Winter3,4
2008 Autumn (Conroy)2,3,4
2008 Autumn (Loveless)3(a),4
2008 Spring 1
2008 Winter2

Keep in mind when studying for the exam that you will have 50 minutes to work four problems. As you practice with these old exams, try to assess whether or not you are working quickly enough to get four problems done in 50 minutes.

December 30, 2011

Welcome to Math 120 A, B Winter quarter 2012.

Announcements and other useful things will be posted here during the quarter, so check this site frequently.

Textbook: The textbook for this course is Precalculus, by Collingwood, Prince and Conroy. We will use the 2011-12 edition (this is the latest edition). The book can be purchased at Professional Copy and Print, located at 4200 University Way (on the Ave one block south of the UW bookstore). It is not available at the UW bookstore.

You do not have to purchase the textbook. It is available electronically on the Math 120 Materials Website (link at right).

Discussion Board: The course has a discussion board (link at right). This is a great way to ask questions of me in a way that will benefit all students in the course. You can ask about homework questions, studying methods, etc. You can also use it to coordinate study sessions with other students.

Homework Schedule: The homework schedule is available at right. This is the only place this information is available, so please check here to get the schedule.


Handouts and Supplements

Completing The Square

Linear to Linear Algebra Example

L2L Functions and Fixed Points

Linear to Linear Rational Function applet

Circular Motion examples

Sinusoidal function applet

Other UW resources:

Math Study Center

Student Counseling Center

Information for Students of International TAs

Center for Learning
and Undergraduate
Enrichment (CLUE)