
Dr. Matthew Conroy

Office hours and email


Ying Zhou
yzhou at
sections AA, AB

Libby MacKinnon
lmackinn at
sections AC, AD

Exam Dates

Midterm 1: Thursday, April 23

Midterm 2: Thursday, May 21

Final Exam: Saturday, June 6
1:30 PM
Sections AA, AB, AC: Johnson 102
Section AD: Johnson 075

June 12, 2009

Here is the updated grade file, with final exam scores and course grades. These are the grades I will be reporting to the registrar. They include the course curve, and the dropping of your lowest homework score. Note that those lowest scores appear in the record, but were dropped during the calculation of your grade. Statistics on the final exam are given in an entry below.

June 11, 2009

Final exam stats: n=123; min=1; 1st quartile=37.5; median=49; 3rd quartile=58; max=70 (4 students)

June 8, 2009

I will be holding an office hour from 2 to 3 PM this Friday, June 12, for anyone who would like to see their final exam. I hope to update the grade record with final exam scores and course grades by then.

I will keep the final exams for several quarters, so if you cannot make this hour, but would like to have your exam, you can stop by in the fall.

June 5, 2009

There will be a final exam review given by CLUE (Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment) tonight in Mary Gates Hall at 6:30-7:30 p.m. The room assignment will be made this afternoon, so students should check in at the front desk in Mary Gates Hall Commons. Also, the math tutoring section at CLUE will be open tonight from 7-9 p.m., as well as throughout finals week, in Mary Gates Commons.

May 29, 2009

Here is a review sheet for the final exam.

I removed a few problems from the suggested Chapter 22 problems. Chapter 23 is the one you should especially study for the final exam.

May 27, 2009

Here is the grade record.

Your grade information is listed under the last four digits of your student id number. Be sure to check that your scores have been recorded correctly. If you find an error, please bring it to the attention of your TA right away. Included is also an current estimated course grade. This includes the course curve, and the dropping of your lowest homework score (note that your lowest score appears for the sake of record, but were dropped during the calculation of your current estimated grade). Obviously it does not include the final exam: that can have a very large impact on your actual course grade.

If you did not take one of the two exams, and have made arrangements with me to compensate for this, the grade estimate is not accurate. Too much depends on how you do on the final exam to give a useful estimate.

May 26, 2009

Answers to the second midterm exam are now available at the 120 Materials Website.

May 26, 2009

Here are stats on the second midterm exam: n=126; 1st quartile = 16; median=22; 3rd quartile=29; max=40 (one person)

Answers and grade information will be posted soon.

May 15, 2009

Here is a review for the upcoming midterm exam.

May 11, 2009

Here is a simple applet for experimenting with sinusoidal functions. If it doesn't seem to start, try reloading the page.

April 29, 2009

Here is more information about linear-to-linear rational functions, including particularly an example of the situation in which you do not know either asymptote ahead of time.

April 28, 2009

Answers to the first midterm are available now on the test archive.

April 27, 2009

Here are the statistics from the first midterm exam: n=149; min=0; 1st quartile=15; median=20; 3rd quartile=25; max=39 (two people)

Not to mince words, I have to say there were a lot of quite poor performances on this exam. Anyone scoring below 20 needs to consider seriously whether or not you should stay in the course, and, if you do decide to stay, what you need to do to improve. I am aware that this is half the class. Judging just by lecture attendance and these exam scores, I think I have to conclude that about half the class is putting far less than the necessary effort into this course.

Anyone scoring below 15 is in grave danger of failing this course (i.e., getting a grade of 0.0 in the course if your performance continues at this level).

Here's a rough guide to how your exam score might translate to a 4.0 scale. This is just a rough guide: I will not use this translation for anything. This is just for your information.

exam scoreapprox. 4.0 scale
< 15 0.0

April 18, 2009

Here is a review sheet for the first midterm exam.

March 30, 2009

Welcome to Math 120 A, Spring quarter 2009.

Announcements and other useful things will be posted here during the quarter, so check this site frequently.


Homework Schedule

Course Calendar

Course Syllabus (pdf)

Course Discussion Board

Math 120 Materials Website

Other UW resources:

Math Study Center

Student Counseling Center

Information for Students of International TAs

Center for Learning
and Undergraduate
Enrichment (CLUE)