
Dr. Matthew Conroy

Office hours and email


Sarah Gilles

Exam Dates

Midterm 1: Thursday, January 31
Midterm 2: Thursday, February 28

Final Exam: Saturday, March 15

March 21, 2008

The grade record has now been updated with final exam and writing problem #3 scores. Course grades are also included.

Have a good break!

March 4, 2008

The grade record is now available. Please check that your scores have been recorded correctly, and let Sarah know if there are any errors.

March 3, 2008

Here are brief answers to the second midterm.

March 3, 2008

Here are the scores on the second midterm:

I'll be posting a grade record with estimated current course grade in the next day or so.

February 28, 2008

We'll be talking about finding the centroid (aka center of mass) of planar regions on Friday. It can be mildly surprising to find that the centroid may not be inside the region itself. Here is a little discussion, with an animation, illustrating such a situation.

February 27, 2008

I didn't do the best job discussing the leaking bucket problem, so here is a better explanation. It is in terms of time, which is the classic way the "leaking bucket" problem is seen.

February 21, 2008

Here is a review sheet for the second midterm exam.

February 18, 2008

Here are some hints and solutions to the integral collection I handed out on Friday. Enjoy!

February 7, 2008

Writing problem #2 is now due Monday, Feb. 11, instead of Friday, Feb. 8.

February 4, 2008

Here are the scores from the first midterm so everyone can get a sense of how they did relative to everyone else: 39,49,59,60,61,61,62,64,64,64,65,65,66,66,66,67,67,68,68,68,68,68,68,69,69,69,71,72,72,73,73,74,74,74,74,75,75,75,75,75,75.

I'll post answers soon.

January 29, 2008

Here is a review sheet for the first midterm.

January 22, 2008

I've added a link at right to my archive of old exams.

January 10, 2008

I was looking over the homework assignment for next week, and decided that there is no reason to do 5.1 #22 (b), so just do 5.1 #22 (a).

January 8, 2008

The worksheets will be used on most Thursdays in this course, and links to them can be found on the Course Calendar at right. Please print the appropriate worksheet and bring it with you to quiz sections on Thursdays.

January 5, 2008

Here is an applet illustrating Riemann sums, something we'll be discussing in the first week of class.

January 5, 2008

Welcome to Math 125 G, Winter quarter 2008.

Announcements and other useful things will be posted here during the quarter, so check this site frequently.


Homework Schedule

Course Calendar

Dr. Conroy's Old Exams

Course Syllabus (pdf)

Course Discussion Board

Math 125 Materials Website

Other UW resources:

Math Study Center

Student Counseling Center

Information for Students of International TAs

Center for Learning
and Undergraduate
Enrichment (CLUE)