
Professor Burke

Classroom: SAV 260
Office: Padelford C-443
Office Hours: The Math Study Center
- MW 11:30am -- 12:20pm


Tafari James (BA, BB)
Office hours:Tu 4-5pm, Th 4:30-5:30pm MSC
Peter Gylys-Colwell (BC, BD)
office hours:M 2:30-3:30 PDL C-8J, Th 2-3 MSC
Click here for TA contact info

Exam Dates:

Midterm 1: Thursday, February 7
Midterm 2: Tuesday, March 5
Final:Sat. March 16, 5-7:50pm KNE-110

Exam Guides:

Midterm I Guide

Guide to finding nearest points in lines and planes

Midterm II Guide

Final Exam Guide


This website will not be updated much during the quarter. Other materials for this course are available on the this Math Dept webpage. Announcements will be sent by email.

Add codes:

For those students looking for an add code, the Math Department does not overload Math 126 and we do not keep a waiting list. Come to class the first week (including Quiz Section) and keep checking on-line enrollments. The only way to get in is to find an opening online.

Textbook and Calculator Info:

The only thing that students are required to purchase for this course is an access code for Webassign.

If you took Math 124 and/or Math 125 at UW recently and purchased a Lifetime of the Edition (LOE) or multi-term access code for one of those courses, you do not need to purchase anything further.

Otherwise, the least expensive option is to follow the link this page and purchase "Enhanced WebAssign Instant Access for Calculus, Multi-Term Courses, 1st Edition" for $80.00.  This will come with an electronic version of the text, which is sufficient for most students.  If you want a hard copy of the text, you may purchase one at the bookstore (approximately $56 for a used copy).  In addition, the Multi-Term Course code will work for Math 324 (which also uses Stewart's text and Webassign) or if you must retake Math 126 in a future quarter, as long as the 7th edition is in use. (Do note, however, that access is purchased for the text. Since Math 124, 125, 126, and 324 use the same text, the same code works for all these courses (provided it is multi-term access). If you take a course that uses a different textbook (such as Math 308), you will be required to purchase Webassign access for that textbook.)

It is not recommended to purchase a Webassign access code from the bookstore.  These codes are single-term codes and will only work for a single quarter.

On exams, the only calculator that you will be allowed to use is the TI 30X IIS (any color). If you do not already own this calculator, it is highly recommend that you purchase one and use it for homework as well as exams.


homework assignments (Webassign)

How To Use Webassign

course syllabus (pdf)

course calendar (pdf)

Notes on Taylor Polynomials and Series

Webassign Tutorials
Math Study Center
- Thursday, January 10, 11AM -- 3PM
- Monday, January 14, 11AM -- 3 PM

Math 126 Exam Archive:
    Midterm I
    Midterm II
    Final Exams

Other UW resources:

Math Study Center

Disability Resources for Students

Student Counseling Center

Center for Learning
and Undergraduate
Enrichment (CLUE)