Math 120 Exam Correspondence
In Fall 2009, the presentation of materials in Math 120 was reorganized and shifted. As a result old exams in the archive before Fall 2009 are not necessarily indicative of topics that will be covered by our exams. The Fall 2009, Winter 2010, and Spring 2010 exams all should line up correctly with the current presentation of materials. For older exams, use this page to help you find more problems pertaining to particular chapters/topics.
Below, I list the exam correspondence for the last several years for the exams in the exam archive. For each exam listed below, I give the problem and then the corresponding chapter. For example, in the first row: "Conroy Spr. 09: 1-Ch.3, 2-Ch.4, ..." This means that problem 1 requires chapter 3 material and problem 2 requires chapter 4 material, etc.
Note that our first exam this quarter covers Chapters 1-7 (so you should look for problems from first and second midterms and finals pertaining to those chapters).
The second exam this quarter covers Chapters 7-15.
First Midterms from the archive
Conroy Spr. 09: 1-Ch.3, 2-Ch.4, 3-Ch.7, 4a-Ch.6, 4b-Ch.8Conroy Win. 09: 1-Ch.6, 2-Ch.7, 3-Ch.3, 4-Ch.4
Conroy Fall 08: 1-Ch.6, 2-Ch.4, 3-Ch.2, 4-Ch.5
Loveless F. 08: 1-Ch.4, 2-Ch.7, 3a-Ch.5, 3b-Ch.7, 4-Ch.3, 5-Ch.6
Conroy Spr. 08: 1-Ch.4, 2-Ch.6, 3-Ch.7, 4-Ch.8
Conroy Win. 08: 1-Ch.7, 2-Ch.3, 3-Ch.6, 4a-Ch.6, 4b-Ch.8
Conroy Fall 07: 1-Ch.2, 2-Ch.6, 3-Ch.6, 4-Ch.7
Loveless F. 07: 1-Ch.4, 2a-Ch.5, 2b-Ch.8, 3-Ch.4, 4-Ch.7, 5-Ch.6
Perkins F. 07: 1-Ch.5, 2-Ch.4, 3-Ch.4, 4-Ch.7, 5a-Ch.8, 5b-Ch.6
Conroy Spr. 07: 1-Ch.7, 2-Ch.6, 3-Ch.4, 4-Ch.8
Second Midterms from the archive
Conroy Spr. 09: 1-Ch.14, 2-Ch.17, 3-Ch.19,4-Ch.16Conroy Win. 09: 1-Ch.8/9, 2-Ch.17, 3-Ch.17, 4-Ch.19
Conroy Fall 08: 1-Ch.7, 2-Ch.14, 3-Ch.17, 4-Ch.19
Loveless F. 08: 1-Ch.14, 2ab-Ch.8/9, 2c-Ch.17, 3-Ch.19, 4-Ch.17
Conroy Spr. 08: 1-Ch.14, 2-Ch.17, 3-Ch.20, 4-No Longer Covered
Conroy Win. 08: 1-Ch.17, 2-Ch.14, 3-Ch.20, 4-No Longer Covered
Conroy Fall 07: 1-Ch.14, 2-No Longer Covered, 3-Ch.17, 4-Ch.20
Loveless F. 06: 1-Ch.14, 2-Ch.17, 3-Ch.16, 4-Ch.16, 5a-No Longer Covered, 5b-Ch.9
Loveless W. 06: 1-Ch.14, 2-Ch.16, 3-Ch.16, 4-Ch.17, 5-Ch.20
Loveless F. 05: 1-Ch.14, 2-Ch.16, 3-No Longer Covered, 4-Ch.16, 5-Ch.17
Finals from the archive
Win. 2009: 3-Ch.12, 5-Ch.7, 7-Ch.8/9Fall 2008: 2-Ch.17, 3-Ch.12, 7-Ch.7
Spr. 2008: 2-Ch.12, 7-Ch.8, 8-Ch.9
Win. 2008: 2-Ch.12, 6-Ch.7
Fall 2007: 2-Ch.12, 3-Ch.14, 4c-Ch.7, 6-Ch.7, 9-Ch.13
Spr. 2007: 1-Ch.14, 3-Ch.12, 6-Ch.7
Win. 2007: 2-Ch.12, 5-Ch.8, 6-Ch.14
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