Graphical Designs on the J7 Flower Snark

Graph Info
Vertices 28
Edges 42
Regularity 3
Eigenspaces 16

Spectrum from low to high frequency:

`0, -1.95109^2, -0.1786^2, -0.3333, -1.66669, -1.65629^2, -0.3994^2, -1.60059^2,`

`-0.4921^2, -0.5843^2, -1.41569^2, -1.40579^2, -0.6495^2, -1.33329, -0.8517^2, -1.14829^2`

J7 Flower Snark

Design Info
`k`-graphical design
Optimal yes
Maximal yes
Extremal no
1-Neighborhood is the graph yes

Get the code or see Wikipedia for more about the Flower Snarks.