Northwest Mathematics Interaction

Credit and Clock Hours for Summer Programs


UW Credit

Payment for UW credit is with credit card or check.

Clock Hours

Payment for clock hours is by check only, not credit card. Be sure to bring your checkbook for clock hours.

Summer Geometry Institute or Two two-day courses Two UW credits of Math 497 will be available for an additional cost. For 2013 the cost is $222. To qualify for credit, four hours of After-Dinner Math are required for Geometry and six for combined two-day courses. Approximately 36 clock hours will be available at $2.00 per clock hour. Hours spent at After-Dinner Math can be added to this total.
Two-day Courses   Fifteen clock hours per two-day course will be available at $2.00 per clock hour. Hours spent at After-Dinner Math can be added to this total.

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