Northwest Probability Seminar

The Third NW Probability Seminar

October 20, 2001

Supported by the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences and
by the Department of Mathematics, University of Washington

Northwest Probability Seminars are one-day mini-conferences held at the University of Washington and organized in collaboration with the Oregon State University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Oregon, and the Theory Group at the Microsoft Research. This annual Seminar is held on the second to last Saturday of October of each year. There is no registration fee. Participants are requested to contact Zhen-Qing Chen ( ) in advance so that adequate facilities may be arranged for.

The talks will take place in SAV 249 (Savery Hall). See the map of north-central campus. The Savery Hall is marked with big bold white letters. So is the HUB (Student Union Building) where the lunch will be served.

More campus maps are available at the UW Web site.

Parking on UW campus is free on Saturdays after 12:00 (noon). More information is available at a parking Web site provided by UW.

Tentative schedule