Research Interests
My research mostly concerns
inverse problems and imaging, partial differential equations, microlocal analysis, and scattering theory.
I focus on applications as medical imaging and imaging the structure of the earth.
My CV can be found here and my short CV can be found here.
Recent Publications
K. Krupchyk, G. Uhlmann, L. Yan.
A remark on inverse problems for nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger equations on complex manifolds.
Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 152 (2024), 2413-2422.
R.-Y. Lai, G. Uhlmann, H. Zhou.
Recovery of coefficients in semilinear transport equations.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 248 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 62, 41 pp.
H. Quan, G. Uhlmann.
The Calderón problem for the fractional Dirac operator.
Math. Research Letters, 31 (2024), 279-302.
G. Uhlmann, Y. Wang.
The anisotropic Calderón problem for fixed high frequency.
SIAM J. Math Analysis, 56 (2024), 4084-4103.
G. Uhlmann, J. Zhai.
Determination of the density in a nonlinear elastic wave equation.
Math. Annalen., 390 (2024), 2825-2858.
C. Carstea, T. Ghosh, G. Uhlmann.
An inverse problem for the porous medium equation with a possible absorption term.
SIAM J. Math. Analysis, 55 (2023), 162-185.
Y. Kian, K. Krupchyk, G. Uhlmann.
Partial data inverse problems for quasilinear conductivity equations.
Math. Annalen, 385 (2023), 1611-1638.
Y. Kian, G. Uhlmann.
Recovery of nonlinear terms for reaction diffusion equations from boundary measurements.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 247 (2023), paper 6, 20pp.
K. Krupchyk, G. Uhlmann.
Inverse problems for nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger equations on conformally transversally anisotropic manifolds.
Analysis and PDE, 16 (2023), 1825-1868.
G. Uhlmann, Y. Wang.
Recovery of black hole mass from a single quasinormal mode.
To appear, Comm. Math. Physics.
Comm. Math. Physics, 401 (2023), 925-936.
G. Uhlmann, Y. Zhang.
An inverse boundary value problem arising in nonlinear acoustics.
SIAM J. Math Analysis, 55 (2023), 1364-1404.
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