Reading course on Algorithms in Invariant Theory (Spring 2017)
Friday 3-5pm in SAS 2102
Instructor: Cynthia Vinzant (3260 SAS, email)
Offce Hours: Tuesday 11:30am - 12:30pm, Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30pm or by appointment
Sturmfels, Algorithms in Invariant Theory, 2nd edition
Tentative Schedule
Jan. 11: Sections 1.3, 2.1 (Notes)
Homework: 1.3 #1, 2.1 #2
Jan. 20: Section 2.2 (Notes)
Presenter: Xingjian
Notetaker: Samantha
Homework Presenters: Jane, Brittany
Homework: 2.2 #1, #2
Jan. 27: Section 2.5 (Notes)
Presenter: Brittany
Notetaker: Xingjian
Homework Presenters: Katherine, Jane
Homework: 2.3 #2, 2.5 #6
Feb. 3: Section 2.6 (Notes)
Presenter: Jane
Notetaker: Brittany
Homework Presenters: Samantha, Katherine
Homework: 2.6 #4, Why is the map from the orbit space to the orbit
variety an embedding?
Question from Michael Singer
Feb. 10: Section 3.1 (Notes)
Presenter: Katherine
Notetaker: Jane
Homework Presenters: Xingjian, Samantha
Homework: 3.1 #1,2
Feb. 17: Section 3.2
Presenter: Samantha
Homework Presenters: Katherine, Brittany
Homework: 3.2 #1,3
Feb. 24: Section 3.3
Presenter: Brittany
Homework Presenters: Katherine, Samantha
Homework: 3.3 #1,2
March 17: Section 3.4
Presenter: Jane
Homework Presenters: Samantha, Brittany
Homework: 3.4 #1,3
March 24: Section 3.5
Presenter: Katherine
Homework Presenters: Brittany, Jane
Homework: 3.5 #1,3
March 31: Section 4.1
Presenter: Samantha
Homework Presenters: Jane, Katherine
Homework: 1.3 #4, 4.1 #1
April 7: Section 4.1
Presenter: Jane
Homework Presenters: Katherine, Samantha
Homework: 4.1 #2,4
April 12 *Wednesday!*: Section 4.3 (in SAS 1102)
Presenter: Brittany
Homework Presenters: Jane, Katherine
Homework: 4.3 #1,2
April 21: Section 4.5
Presenter: Katherine
Homework Presenters: Brittany, Samantha
Homework: 4.5 #3,4
April 28:Section 4.6
Presenter: Samantha
Homework Presenters: Brittany, Jane