Math 336, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Spring, 2005

This is the Math 336 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information. There are links to papers that you might want to use for your term report. I will add links throughout the quarter. Electronic math journals can be accessed through the University library link. American Mathematical Monthly and Mathematics Magazine can be accessed this way. The Mathematical Intelligencer is available in the Mathematics Research Library. The Notices of the American Mathematical Society also has expository articles. Sometimes they are too advanced for undergrads, but some of them are accessible to you, at least in part.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (6/2/05) Papers by Andrew Oldyzko on the Riemann Zeta Function.
  2. (5/30/05) The term paper is now due on June 6 at 8:30 am. If you have it completed before then, I would appreciate it if you give it to me so I can get started reading the final version.
  3. (5/30/05) There will be a party for the class at my house on Wednesday, June 8 at 6:00 pm. I will distribute maps either this week or at the final.
  4. (5/30/05) There will be no homework due on June 3. Sasha will run the quiz section and you may use it to discuss the sample problems and prepare for the final.
  5. (5/24/05) Homework on section 5.1 will not be due on May 27. The only homework will be from section 4.5. The last homework schedule will be posted later this week.
  6. (5/19/05) The first draft of the paper can be handed in on May 24.
  7. (5/18/05) Sample problems for the second midterm.
  8. (5/9/05) Fast Fourier Methods in Computational Complex Analysis by Peter Henrici.
  9. (05/05/05) A reference for Euclidean geometry is Geometry: Euclid and Beyond by Robin Hartshorne.
  10. (5/4/05) Noah's office hours for Thursday, May 5 (this day only) will be from 5:00 until 6:00.
  11. (4/27/05) Quote from Newton. How did he make his discoveries? "By always thinking about them. I keep the subject constantly before me and wait til the first dawnings open little by little into the full light."
  12. (4/20/05) How to Make Wavelets by Robert Strichartz
  13. (4/20/05) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  14. (4/07/05) Euler and the Zeta Function
  15. (4/06/05) Noah's office hours are Tuesday at 9:30 and Thursday at 4:30.
  16. (3/29/05) An Elementary Problem Equivalent to the Riemann Hypothesis
  17. (3/29/05) The Bowl Championship Series: A Mathematical Review
  18. (3/29/05) Quantum Game Theory
  19. (3/29/05) Cantor and Sierpinski, Julia and Fatou: Complex Topology Meets Complex Dynamics Cantor and Sierpinski, Julia and Fatou: Complex Topology Meets Complex Dynamics
  20. (3/29/05) The Index of a Constrained Critical Point
  21. (3/29/05) Chebychev Polynomials and Regular Polygons
  22. (3/29/05) The Geometry of Harmonic Functions
  23. (3/29/05) Noah's office hour this week will be at 1:30 on Thursday, March 31.
  24. (3/25/05) Trisections and Totally Real Origami
  25. (3/25/05) Extreme Curvature of Polynomials
  26. (3/24/05) Math Awareness Month
  27. The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I
  28. What is a Random Sequence?
  29. (Groups, Factoring, and Cryptography
  30. Selling Primes
  31. Two Classical Surprises Concerning the Axiom of Choice and the Continuum Hypothesis
  32. Elusive Optimality in the Box Problem, The Box Problem: To Switch or Not to Switch
  33. Peter Shor's homepage. There are many links to quantum computing on this page.
  34. Merton's Partial Differential Equation and Fixed Point Theory
  35. Financial Derivatives and Partial Differential Equations
  36. The Riemann Hypothesis
  37. Godel's Proof. This is a book review, but it contains a partial exposition of some famous theorems of Godel.
  38. Constructions Using a Compass and Twice-Notched Straightedge
  39. Simplicity and Surprise in Ramanujan's "Lost" Notebook
  40. The Factorial Function and Generalizations
  41. The Geometry of Harmonic Functions by Tristran Needham, Mathematics Magazine, April, 1994 (I have hard copies I can give you.)
  42. Trigonometries
  43. Compass and Straightedge in the Poincare Disk
  44. Non-Euclidean III.36
  45. On Prime Factors of An-1
  46. Fermat and the Quadrature of the Folium of Descartes
  47. Term paper written by Noah Giansiracusa in Spring, 2003 and revised and written in tex in October, 2003.
  48. Instructions for the term paper
  49. Syllabus(pdf)