Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 1996
This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find
useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and
other course information.
The following are links to current course information.
- (12/11/96) Reminder: The final exam is from 8:30-10:20 am on Friday, December 13 in the classroom (Savery 313). Notes on both sides of one sheet of notebook-size paper are allowed. No calculators are allowed.
- (12/9/96) Sample problems for the final exam.
- (11/18/96) A crash course on hyperbolic functions.
- (11/18/96) More than you ever wanted to know about determinants and volumes.
- (11/13/96) Here is a note on the relation of areas and volumes.
- (11/7/96) Here is a very small paper on elliptic integrals and their connection to trigonometric functions.
- (11/6/96) On Friday there will be a quiz covering the definitions, formulas, and theorems in this file. I will expect you to be able to state carefully a correct version of any item on this list.
- (11/5/96) Just to make sure that you know what my version of Pappus theorem is, it states that the volume of a solid obtained by rotating a region R in the y-z plane, of area A, around the z-axis through an angle a is L*A, where L is a*r and r is the y coordinate of the centroid of R.
- (11/4/96) Solution to the problem of finding the volume of a sphere with a hole bored out of it.
- (11/1/96) Problem of finding the volume of a sphere with a hole bored out of it.
- (10/22/96) Sample problems for the first midterm, which will cover up to and including section 10.8 in Taylor. The midterm is on Wednesday, October 30 from 10:30-11:20 in the regular classroom (Savery 313).
- (10/16/96) Math 424
homepage Most of the 424 links are to references that are beyond the current level of difficulty of 334. However, we will be doing Fourier series next quarter and we will be discussing some of the standard mathematical constants. The link to constants has some material that you could profitably read now.
- Syllabus(dvi)
Last revised: November 18, 1996