Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 2010
This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find
useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and
other course information.
The following are links to current course information.
- (12/09/10) Sample problems for the final.
- (12/07/10) Hyperbolic functions.
- (12/07/10) The Cauchy-Binet formula and areas
of submanifolds.
- (12/07/10) Areas of hypersurfaces and
- (12/03/10) Federer's exposition of Geometric Measure Theory. His very dense book is 676 pages long.
- (11/22/10) Volume of the n-ball.
- 11/22/10) Fubini's theorem
- (11/19/10) There will be a review session for the midterm on
Saturday in C36 from 2:00-5:00.
- (11/18/10)I made an error on the sample problem set. The midterm
will cover up to section 4.4.
- (11/18/10) Sample problems for the second
- (11/18/10) A set is Jordan-measurable if and only if the outer area of its boundary is 0.
- (11/2/10) Math Across Campus talk. by Peter Winkler: How Puzzles Reshape Our Intuition.Thursday,
November 4, 2010, 3:30 4:30pm in Kane Hall 210
- (10/22/10) Room C36 in Padelford is reserved on Saturday, October 23,
from 1:00-4:00 pm for 334 midterm review.
- (10/21/10) A corrected geometric proof that (sin x)/x ->
1 as x->0.(Thanks to Matt Junge.)
- (10/20/10) Sample problems for the first
- (10/18/10) Differentiability
- (10/7/10) Thomae's function.
- (10/5/10) Will's new office hour is Friday at 11:30, replacing his
Thursday office hour.
- (10/4/10) The quiz section is in Condon 110A.
- (9/29/10) Best book ever written on inequalities: Inequalities by Hardy, Littlewood, and Polya.
- (9/23/10) Currently this class is scheduled to meet in Condon Hall on Tuesday
and Thursday. I have requested that the location be moved.
- (9/22/10) Jensen's Integral Inequality.
- (9/22/10) Hadamard's Inequality
for determinants of matrices and its application to measures.
- (9/22/10) Jensen's inequality.
- (9/22/10) The Arithmetic mean - geometric mean inequality and consequences. Derivation of
least squares.
- (9/23/10) A mailman list for this class has been created. Anyone
registered for the class is on it. The address is
- (9/22/10) Scanned first exercises from Folland)
- (9/22/10) Cauchy's inequality
- (9/3/10) The book Principles of Mathematical Analysis by
Walter Rudin has a construction of the real numbers (as Dedekind
cuts) from the rational numbers. It is on reserve in the math
library. The reals can also be constructed from the rationals
using Cauchy sequences by a general process known as
completion that applies to any metric space.
- (9/3/10) Basic Real Analysis by Tony Knapp is a good reference.
- (9/3/10) A quote from Felix Klein (famous German mathematician)
Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied
enough mathematics to become confused through the countless
number of possible exceptions.
- (9/3/10) Some printings of Folland have an error on problem 6b,
page 125. It should read grad F3(a)=0. (There should be a
subscript 3 on F.)
- (9/3/10) I will not talk about the Heine-Borel theorem and you
will not be required to learn it.
- (9/3/10) If you are trying to access journal links from
off campus via MYUW, Comcast, Qwest, etc., you must remember to
authenticate yourself as UW affiliated.
- (9/3/10) SAGE website.
- (9/3/10) For those of you who have either of the first two
printings of the text the old errata link is appropriate.
- (9/3/10) The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a great resource.
- (9/3/10) Mathworld
- (9/3/10) History of Mathematics Archive
- (9/3/10) Errata for Folland's text. It is updated regularly. You should send email to if you spot any errors not already listed
- (9/3/10) In problem number 7, section 1.3, consider
f(x) to be defined only for x>0. Also assume the integers
p and q are positive.
- (9/3/10) Syllabus(pdf)