Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 2008
This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find
useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and
other course information.
The following are links to current course information.
- (12/04/08) Padelford C401 is reserved Saturday and Sunday from
10:00-1:00 for review sessions. Nate will be there on Sunday.
- (12/03/08) Area formula for a hypersurface
in Rn+1 which is the graph of a function.
- (12/01/08) Sample problems for the final exam.
- (11/18/08) Review sessions for the midterm will be in Padelford
C-401 from 10:00-1:00 Saturday and Sunday. Nate will be there
Saturday 10:00-11:00 and Sunday 10:00-1:00.
- (11/18/08) Here is the promised version of Fubini's theorem. I found this
version in Hubbard and Hubbard Vector Calculus, Linear
Algebra, and Differential Forms. The proof is mine, using
upper and lower sums.
- (11/17/08) Sample problems for the second
- (11/14/08) Dylan has sent me a link to an article by (Sir) Michael
Atiyah, "Advice to a Young Mathematician". Although the article is addressed to a graduate student in mathematics, it is good advice for anyone. Michael Atiyah is a Fields Medalist and also president of the Royal Society from 1990 to 1995.
- (11/10/08) Nate's Monday office hours will be 3:45-4:45.
- (11/10/08) Be sure to attend the lecture by Joe Felsenstein:
Evolutionary trees, coalescents, and gene trees: can
mathematicians find the woods? Link to MAC.
- (11/6/08) Lecture on manifolds.
- (10/31/08) Here's the promised note on
positive definiteness. (not a Halloween joke)
- (10/29/08) Some of you asked about appropriate conditions on F in
problem #6 in section 2.5. The answer is no conditions are
needed. Here is
the explanation.
- Join the Math Club. Math Club web
site. Pizza/Lecture (Tues 10/28, PDL C036, 4pm-5pm)
Speaker: Benjamin Hayes
Title: Gauss's Lemma In the Heisenberg Group.
- (10/21/08) Padelford C401 is reserved for review sessions Saturday
and Sunday from 10:00-1:00. Nate will be there for most of the
Saturday session. Nate will also be in his office Friday
- (10/20/08) Sample problems for the first
- (10/14/08) Counterexamples to L'Hopital's Rule;Indeterminate Forms Revisited.
- (10/14/08) On Being Mean to the Mean Value Theorem; On Avoiding the Mean Value Theorem; Rethinking Rigor in Calculus: The Role of the Mean Value Theorem .
- (10/10/08) My remarks about checking uniform continuity were wrong
unless they are made more precise. Here is an argument to cover
the special case of the function x1/2.
- (10/03/08) The principle of induction.
- (9/30/08) A geometric proof that (sin x)/x ->
1 as x->0.
- (9/26/08) Nate's office hours will temporarily be Monday 3:30-4:30,
Wednesday 5-6, and Thursday 1:30-2:30 in PDL C115.
- (9/25/08) Cauchy-Schwartz notes
- (9/25/08) The book Principles of Mathematical Analysis by
Walter Rudin has a construction of the real numbers (as Dedekind
cuts) from the rational numbers. It is on reserve in the math
library. The reals can also be constructed from the rationals
using Cauchy sequences by a general process known as
completion that applies to any metric space.
- (9/22/08) Basic Real Analysis by Tony Knapp is a good reference.
- (9/16/08) Thomas Edison (attributed) "I have not failed. I've just found
10,000 ways that won't work."
- (9/16/08) A quote from Felix Klein (famous German mathematician)
Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied
enough mathematics to become confused through the countless
number of possible exceptions.
- (9/16/08) Some printings of Folland have an error on problem 6b,
page 125. It should read grad F3(a)=0. (There should be a
subscript 3 on F.)
- (9/16/08) Nate's mailbox is not in alphabetical order among the
regular TA mailboxes.
It is off in the upper right hand corner of the TA mailboxes. It
is shared with Eric Nitardy.
- (9/16/08) I will not talk about the Heine-Borel theorem and you
will not be required to learn it.
- (9/16/08) If you are trying to access journal links from
off campus via MYUW, Comcast, Qwest, etc., you must remember to
authenticate yourself as UW affiliated.
- (9/16/08) SAGE website.
- (9/16/08) For those of you who have either of the first two
printings of the text the old errata link is appropriate.
- (9/16/08) The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a great resource.
- (9/16/08) Mathworld
- (9/16/08) History of Mathematics Archive
- (9/16/08) Errata for Folland's text. It is updated regularly. You should send email to if you spot any errors not already listed
- (9/16/08) In problem number 7, section 1.3, consider
f(x) to be defined only for x>0. Also assume the integers
p and q are positive.
- (9/16/08) Syllabus(pdf)