Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 2007

This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (12/09/07) More on the divergence theorem.
  2. Jeff will not hold his 3:30 office hour on Friday. He will be at the review session in 115 Lowe Hall, from 4:30-6:30. I think someone said Padelford, but that is not correct.
  3. (12/07/07) I've reserved Padelford, C36, 1pm-3pm for you to use on Saturday, December 8. Padelford will be open at that time.
  4. (12/04/07) I think the note on areas of hypersurfaces is fixed now.
  5. (12/04/07) The note on areas of hypersurfaces has misprints. I'll fix them and post it later.
  6. (12/04/07) Sample problems for the final.
  7. (11/30/07) On December 4,5,6 there will be talks by Fields Medalist Terry Tao. Here is link to the talks and here is a link to his homepage.
  8. (11/30/07) Wikipedia article on planimeters.
  9. (11/30/07) Thomas Edison (attributed) "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
  10. (11/30/07) Why Did George Green Write His Essay of 1828 on Electricity and Magnetism?
  11. (11/30/07) Notes on the area of spheres.
  12. (11/30/07) A short discussion of hyperbolic functions.
  13. (11/29/07) Here's the homework plan for the rest of the quarter. Sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 will be due on Tuesday, December 4. I will lecture on section 5.5 W,Th, F. I want you to do the assigned problems and then discuss them at the review session on Friday December 7th, from 4:30 - 6:30 in LOW 115. You will be responsible for section 5.5 (divergence theorem) on the final.
  14. (11/21/07) The measure of balls.
  15. (11/21/07) The only homework due on Tuesday, November 27 will be from section 5.1. Section 5.2 is deferred to December 4.
  16. (11/15/07) The review session for the midterm will be at 6:30, Tuesday, November 20, in Padelford, C401.
  17. (11/15/07) I erred in my answer to Praveen about unions and intersections of measureable sets. If A and B are measureable, so are the the union and intersection. Here's the proof.
  18. (11/15/07) You might find the following inequalities useful in your homework or in other arguments.
  19. (11/14/07) The area of a rectangle.
  20. (11/14/07) Sample problems for the second midterm. Should be fixed now. I forgot to make a pdf file.
  21. (11/11/07) Here's the information on an interesting talk: November 13, 2007 at 4pm, Mechanical Engineering Building 238. Douglas Arnold, University of Minnesota

    The Geometrical Basis of Numerical Stability. The accuracy of a numerical solution to a partial differential equation depends on the consistency and stability of the discretization method. While consistency is usually elementary to establish, stability of numerical methods can be subtle, and for some key PDE problems the development of stable methods is extremely challenging. After illustrating the situation through simple but surprising examples, we will describe a powerful new approach--the finite element exterior calculus--to the design and understanding of discretizations for a variety of elliptic PDE problems. This approach achieves stability by developing discretizations which are compatible with the geometrical and topological structures, such as de Rham cohomology and Hodge decompositions, which underlie well-posedness of the PDE problem being solved.

  22. (11/09/07 The homework from section 4.2 is postponed to November 20. The homework from section 5.1 will be due on November 27. The midterm will not cover section 5.1 I will probably end up deferring section 5.5 to next quarter. I'll decide that later.
  23. (11/08/07) An Alternate proof of the integral of a sum formula.
  24. (11/05/07) A quote from Felix Klein (famous German mathematician) Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused through the countless number of possible exceptions.
  25. (11/05/07) Some printings of Folland have an error on problem 6b, page 125. It should read grad F3(a)=0. (There should be a subscript 3 on F.)
  26. (11/02/07) Jeff will be out of town on Thursday, November 8. He will have office hours from 11:30-1:15 on Friday, November 9. (Monday, November 12 is a holiday.)
  27. (10/23/07) The review session for the 334 exam will be held in Padelford C-401 on Thursday at 6:00 PM. The room is reserved until 8:00 PM, although Jeff will likely only be able to stay until 7:00. A few homework assignments were not picked up on Tuesday. If students would like their assignments, they can email Jeff to come pick them up.
  28. (10/22/07) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  29. (10/10/07) Jeff's mailbox is not in alphabetical order among the regular TA mailboxes. It is off in the upper right hand corner of the TA mailboxes. It is shared with Sam Burden. There is another Eaton TA, Julie Eaton, who is not Jeff Eaton.
  30. (10/09/07) Sage talk Oct 9 at 5pm in Padelford C36 by Bobby Moretti: Title: "A Practical Introduction to SAGE"
    "I will introduce the computer math system known as SAGE ( I
    will show science, math, and engineering students how to use SAGE in
    their area of study. SAGE is an open source program that aims to
    provide a viable free and open source alternative to Magma, Maple,
    Mathematica and MATLAB. Started in 2005 by UW mathematics professor
    William Stein, SAGE has grown into a highly functional general purpose
    mathematics computing package. Best of all, there are several UW
    undergraduates involved in SAGE development. You could be one too!"
  31. (10/04/07) I will not talk about the Heine-Borel theorem and you will not be required to learn it.
  32. (9/26/07) If you are trying to access journal links from off campus via MYUW, Comcast, Qwest, etc., you must remember to authenticate yourself as UW affiliated.
  33. I forgot to mention the Putnam Exam. The first meeting is today, September 26, 6-8 pm in Padelford, C-36. Contact Ioana Dumitriu, or Paul Hacking,
  34. (9/14/07) SAGE website.
  35. (9/14/07) For those of you who have either of the first two printings of the text the old errata link is appropriate.
  36. (9/14/07) The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a great resource.
  37. (9/14/07) Mathworld link.
  38. (9/14/07) History of Mathematics Archive
  39. (9/14/07) Errata for Folland's text. It is updated regularly. You should send email to if you spot any errors not already listed
  40. (9/14/07) In problem number 7, section 1.3, consider f(x) to be defined only for x>0. Also assume the integers p and q are positive.
  41. (9/14/07) Syllabus(pdf)