Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 2006

This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (12/08/06) The review session will be held from 11:00-2:00, Sunday, December 10, in Padelford, C401.
  2. (12/08/06) Recursion for the area of the n-sphere.
  3. (12/05/06) Sample problems for the final.
  4. (12/04/06) Area of a hypersurface.
  5. (12/01/06) SAGE website.
  6. (12/01/06) Information about hyperbolic functions.
  7. (11/30/06) The homework due on December 7 will be from sections 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5.
  8. (11/29/06) Owen will hold his afternoon office hours on Nov. 29 at 3:30.
  9. (11/28/06) Due to weather, I will defer the homework on section 5.3 to next week. I also hope to persuade Owen to hold his afternoon office hour at 3:30 on Wednesday.
  10. (11/27/06) Owen is taking the GRE on Monday, November 27. He will have and additional office hour at 9:30 on Wednesday, November 29.
  11. (11/21/06) An answer to Nate's question about the volume of n-balls. Another reference
  12. (11/20/06) Owen's office hours on Wednesday, November 22 are cancelled.
  13. (11/17/06) The review for the second midterm will be Sunday, November 19, from 11:00-3:00, in Padelford C401
  14. (11/17/06) An exposition of Jordan area.
  15. (11/14/06) Problem #6, section 4.2 is cancelled.
  16. (11/14/06) Sample problems for the second midterm.
  17. (11/08/06) Hendrik Lenstra will give two talks. See the link Lenstra for further details.
  18. (11/06/06) Owen will have two office hours on Wednesday, Nov 7: 9:30 and 2:30. You can also send him email.
  19. (10/20/06) The review session will be Sunday, October 22 in room c36 in Padelford from 3:00 until approximately 5:00.
  20. (10/17/06) Mario Livio will give a talk on "The Golden Ratio" on Thursday, October 19, in Padelford, C-36.
  21. (10/17/06) Proof that the empty set and Rn are the only clopen subsets of Rn.
  22. (10/17/06) I meant to look at the example x/r2, not x/r. I'll correct that tomorrow.
  23. (10/17/06) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  24. (10/05/06) An example by Owen to show that you can't always compute the limit of a sequence by substituting in the recurrence relation. Substitution is legal if somehow you know that the recurrence is continuous at the limit.
  25. (10/02/06) William Stein will give a lecture on SAGE at 2:30, October 3, in 139 Condon Hall.
  26. (10/02/06) Owen's office hours are M: 9:30, W: 2:30.
  27. (9/26/06) If you want to take the Putnam Exam, you should contact Ioana Dumitriu,, or Chuck Doran,, soon. The deadline for sign-up is early October.
  28. (9/19/06) How to solve mathematical problems, by Fields Medalist Tim Gowers.
  29. (9/19/06) Why Did George Green Write His Essay of 1828 on Electricity and Magnetism?
  30. (11/18/05) Art of Problem Solving is a site recommended by Aaron Dilley.
  31. (10/17/05) For those of you who have either of the first two printings of the text the old errata link is appropriate.
  32. (9/19/06) The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a great resource.
  33. (9/19/06) Mathworld link.
  34. (9/19/06) History of Mathematics Archive
  35. (9/19/06) Errata for Folland's text. It is updated regularly. You should send email to if you spot any errors not already listed
  36. (9/19/06) In problem number 7, section 1.3, consider f(x) to be defined only for x>0. Also assume the integers p and q are positive.
  37. (9/19/06) Syllabus(pdf)