Math 334, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Fall, 2004

This is the Math 334 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (12/07/04) Sample problems for the final exam.
  2. (12/3/04) A note on integrating using hyperbolic functions.
  3. (12/2/04) A reference for the proof of Green's theorem is D.H. Potts, "A note on Green's theorem", Journal of the London Math Society, vol 26, 1951, pp 302-304.
  4. (11/18/04) Sample problems for the second midterm
  5. (11/17/04) Noah is ill (he has mono) and will not meet his office hours Thursday. You should still meet at 4:00 in C401 and work as a group on the hw assignment.
  6. (11/17/04) An exposition of determinants and volumes
  7. (11/15/04) This talk is for a general audience:
    VIGRE Distinguished Lecturer Series
    Imagining Numbers and Other Mathematical Objects
    Barry Mazur, Harvard University
    2:30pm, Anderson 223
  8. (11/29/04) We will skip section 4.5.
  9. (11/01/04) Homework schedule revision: 3.3 due on Nov. 12; 4.2, due on Nov. 19; 4.5 either skipped or due on Dec. 3.
  10. (10/26/04) An elementary proof that a continuous ae function is Riemann integable
  11. (10/26/04) The equality of mixed partials is apparently due to Schwarz.
  12. (10/26/04) The Wave Equation, Mixed Partials, and Fubini's Theorem
  13. (10/18/04) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  14. (10/15/04) Noah misplaced his copy of the text. He thinks he left it in Denny 309. If you found it, please contact him.
  15. (10/11/04) Noah's office hour on Thursday will be held in Padelford C401 from 4:00-5:00.
  16. (10/06/04) Computing over the Reals: Where Turing Meets Newton
  17. (10/04/04) Noah will post information for the 334 class at his website
  18. (10/01/04) Noah's office hours will be 1:30-2:30 on Tuesday and 3:30-4:30 on Thursday.
  19. (9/19/04) History of Mathematics Archive
  20. (9/28/04) A Simple Proof of Descartes' Rule of Signs
  21. (9/22/04) Errata for Folland's text. It is updated regularly. You should send email to if you spot any errors not already listed
  22. (9/22/04) In problem number 7, section 1.3, consider f(x) to be defined only for x>0. Also assume the integers p and q are positive.
  23. (9/22/04) A review of the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences by N.J.A. Sloane.
  24. (9/22/04) Syllabus(pdf)