Math 308C, Summer, 1995

This is the Math 308C homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

Here are some tips for viewing the files that I stole from Dave Collingwood.

If you click on a "postscript" or "dvi" file format, you will need a special viewer. In the case of a postscript file, you will use something called "ghostview"; in the case of a dvi file, you use something called "xdvi". Both are supported on any Unix account on the machine ``stein''.

If you are on an X-term and click on an item which is indicated to be a "...dvi file" or "...postscript file" you will need to do a little extra work to view it. I will illustrate how to proceed by way of an example:

Click on "Syllabus(dvi)". A window will pop up on your terminal asking you if you want to save this file to your account; it will specify a default filename (in this case, "out308.dvi"). Click "OK" in the window. Depending on the file size, it takes a few seconds for this to load. Now type " xdvi out308.dvi[return]" to see the file. You can then view or print following the menu items (and rules about printing at your user site).

Here is a copy of current course information.

  1. Syllabus(dvi)
  2. Historical note: Determinants were used before the concept of a matrix was defined. Leibniz used determinants as early as 1693 to solve linear equations. Maclaurin formulated a rule for solving linear systems which was later generalized by Cramer in 1750. Vandermonde wrote the first systematic treatise on determinants in 1772. Gauss introduced the word determinant and Sylvester introduced the term matrix.
  3. For more on the history of mathematics a good starting place is the History of Mathematics Web Resources
  4. I have been informed (6-20-95) that we have a grader. So the homework should be handed in at the beginning of the hour on the due date. It will be counted in the course grade. The new grading scheme will be that homework is worth 10% of the course grade. The midterm will be worth 40% and the final will be worth 50%.
  5. There will be no makeup exams. You must make every effort to make it to class on the day of the exams.
  6. The room for the class has been changed to Gould 435. This change is effective Monday, June 26.
  7. Disabled Student Services (DSS) has asked for a volunteer to assist a disabled student with notetaking. If you are willing to copy your notes once per week please contact DSS at room 448, Schmitz Hall, 543-8925.
  8. Sample(dvi) problems for the midterm.
  9. Solutions(dvi) for the midterm.
  10. (8/11/95) The final exam will closed book. Neither notes nor calculators will be allowed.
  11. Sample(dvi) problems for the final exam.
Last revised: August 11, 1995