Math 497 -- Week 2 Assignments (Due Thursday, 1/18/01)

Reading: EG Chapter 6

Problem 2.1. (Experiments with Triangles on cones).

The goal of this problem is to perform some experiments to come up with some data. Then you should be able to come up with a conjecture and possibly and explanation.

Steps of one case of the Experiment for a single cone.

The Assignment

Do the EXPERIMENT ON MODELS above for at least 3 cones. Do a nice, careful job. If the cones are too small, the angles will be hard to measure.

Then, write a CONJECTURE that tells for a cone with cone angle A, what is the angle sum for a triangle with the cone point inside the triangle and what is the angle sum when the cone point is outside.

Finally, write your best EXPLANATION for why your conjecture is true.

What and how to turn in Problem 1

Bring to class your models and the full written set of tables, your conjecture and your explanation. Write clearly or type.

Problem 2.2. (Experiments with Triangles on cubes).

This problem is similar to Problem 2.1, except that the triangles will be on cubes or rectangular solid.

The Assignment

Do the EXPERIMENT ON ONE MODEL for the 8 triangles as described above. Do a nice, careful job. Choose a box big enough so that the angles are not too hard to measure.

Write an analysis of your results. Are the angle sums the same if the number of corners inside is the same? Write a CONJECTURE describing how the angle sum depends on the number of corners.

For the case of 1 corner, explain the connection between the one-corner case and the cone experiments of Problem 2.1.

Finally, write your best EXPLANATION for why your conjecture is true.

What and how to turn in Problem 1

Bring to class your models and the full written set of tables, your conjecture and your explanation. Write clearly or type.

Problem 2.3. (More About Triangles on cubes).

Consider a triangle ABC on a cube. Notice that the triangle divides the surface of the cube into 2 pieces T1 and T2. If you think about it, you can consider either piece the interior of a triangle with vertices ABC. If you make T1 the interior, the angle at A will be t and for the other choice T2, the angle is 360 - t.

The Assignment

Bring to class and turn in this written work. Write clearly or type.

Problem 2.4. (Triangles on the sphere).

Draw 3 "random" great circles on a sphere. The sphere surface is divided into disjoint triangles. How many triangles are there? Are some of the triangles congruent? How many different triangle shapes are there in general? Suppose one of the triangles is ABC with angles measuring a, b, c. Then there are two triangles with edge BC in common. What kind of shape do the two triangles form when they are fit together? What is the sum of the areas of these two triangles (suppose the sphere has area S, so the answer should be in terms of a, b, c and/or S).