Assignment 1 (part due Wed 1/10 and part Thursday, 1/11)

The first week has more reading than usual, since we need to read about what we did during the first class and then prepare for the second class. However, a lot of the first two chapters will be covered during class time, so this should not be a heavy reading assignment, despite appearances.

All discussions, explanations and proofs should be in complete English sentences, not using abbreviated words or sentence fragments.

Reading for Week 1 (due Thursday)

Read Experiencing Geometry, Message to the Reader, and also Chapters 1 and 2.

Reading for Week 2 (due Thursday)

Read Experiencing Geometry, Chapters 3 and 4.

Get a UW NetID and email your new email address to the instructor. (If you already have a UW email "u" address, this is not necessary.)

Problem Set 1A (due via email by 5:00 PM Wed)

Submit the answers to questions 1.1 and 1.2 via email to the instructor email above. In each case be sure you include your real name in the body of the message, since your email address may not make it clear. Also, use the indicated subject line for each email message and keep the messages separate.

    1. Answer problem 3.1 in Experiencing Geometry. Use one of the indicated proof methods, or one of your own. Do not use all of them. Pay particular attention to the spherical case.
    2. Submit the answer in email using the subject line: Math 497 VAT Problem.

    3. Answer problem 3.3 part a, b, c, d in Experiencing Geometry.
    4. Submit the answer in email using the subject line: Math 497 Duality Problem.

Problem Set 1B (due at the beginning of class Thursday, 1/11)

    1. Answer fully problem 4.1 in Experiencing Geometry, You should do experiments and bring to class with you physical models of several cylinders and cones. Answer or discuss all the bulleted items on page 35 (with complete sentences).