Affine Geometry Notes and Links

This page has links to notes, readings, and Java Sketches on affine and barycentric coordinates and topics in affine geometry.

Affine Geometry

Best online introduction from Cut-the-Knot in the article "Medians"

Definition and Info from Mathworld

Affine Coordinates

Given a triangle ABC in the plane, the vertices define a coordinate system with origin at A and the points B and C as the unit points on the first and second axes.

Each coordinate can also be interpreted as a relative height with respect to the triangle and also as a ratio of areas.

Java Sketchpad Illustrations

Notes on affine ratio, area ratios and affine coordinates (1991)

Old Labs

Winter 2001: Lab 3

Winter 2003 :Lab 1

Practice Problems on coordinates

Barycentric problems on a lattice

Answers to Quiz 1 Winter 2003 - barycentric coordinates and ratios

Some test problems:

445 Winter 2001: Midterm and Final

Ceva and Menelaus Theorems

Applications of Ceva (and alternate proof)

Menelaus Theorem

Affine Transformations

Lecture notes