Math 445/487 Winter 2005

Math 444 meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in MGH 287
Math 487 meets W 2:30-4:20 in CMU B027 (some options will be available for those with schedule conflicts)


Course Home Page:


Instructor: James King (Email:,

Office: PDL C440

Office Hours: Monday 1:30-2:30 and by appointment

Home Page:


Teaching Assistant: Zachary Treisman (Email:

Office: Padelford C-8H

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12

Home Page:

Content of the Course

The course will include a number of topics, with the general theme of taking geometrical concepts on the plane from 444 and moving to other spaces.  Also, algebraic tools will play a bigger role.

·        Coordinates and affine geometry

·        Conic Sections

·        Perspective drawing and projective geometry

·        Circle geometry and inversion

·        Spherical Geometry

·        More 3D geometry – symmetry in space

·        Hyperbolic non-Euclidean Geometry

Structure of the Course

The work of the course will consist of reading, constructions, problem solving, and lab work with Sketchpad.  Students will also work on a project that incorporates math, explaining and presenting. Assessment will be based on

·        Tests (Midterm, Final and about two major quizzes, plus short quizlets)

·        Homework  - Regular homework about once a week.

·        Construction Portfolio

·        Project

·        Class participation

Texts and Resources

The course will rely on a variety of sources.

·        Textbooks from 444 (Berele-Goldman, and GSP book)

·        Course Packets

·        Web sources

·        UW Library sources

The course web page and email list are an important part of the course.  Most material can be accessed from the web page.