Class notes  February 9, 2004



Polygons on a sphere –


            2-sided polygons exist on a sphere, they are called lunes.  They are also  referred to as bigons or digons.


            2 intersecting great circles define 4 lunes.


            If we know the angle between the intersecting great circles, can we find the area of the lune?  (Given the surface area of the sphere = s)


Q1:  If 1 vertex angle of a line = a, what is the other angle?    = a.


Q2:  What is the area of the lune if vertex angle = a?    s x  (a/360)


This can be thought of as dividing the sphere into 360 1degree slivers then adding “a” of these slivers together.


So there is a relationship between area and angles.


Drawing a third great circle, excluding the “equator”, and any that go through the existing vertex, we get a spherical triangle.  The sphere is divided into eight pieces.





2 spherical triangles make a lune.



Can we determine what is the area

Of triangle abc?