Assignment 8 (Due Monday, 3/8)

This assignment is a wrap-up on spheres and some other things. You should do problems 1 and 2. Problems 3 and 4 are extra-credit. Problem 2 is also somewhat open-ended, so extra effort will gain extra credit.

8.1 Geodesic Dome Questions

Answer the geodesic dome questions at the end of the Geodesic Dome page.

8.2 More Maps

Do one of these:

8.3 Look up some history of non-Euclidean geometry.

Find some historical accounts of the discovery and development of non-Euclidean geometry. Write up a biography of one or two of the important figures in this history and tell what they contributed, with explanation of the geometry involved.

8.4 Build Models

Build a good-quality model illustrating and clarifying some point of spherical geometry, geodesic domes, 3D geometry.