Assignment 4 (Due Wed 2/4)

Conics:  The definitions of the ellipse and hyperbola will the definitions based on sum or difference of distances to the two foci, as given in Ogilvy, GTC, or Lab 4.

The construction given in each of these places that constructs a conic from a circle with center F1 and a point F2 inside (for ellipses) and outside (for hyperbolas) is sometimes called the Director Circle construction.

Problem 1 (from Lab 4)

a)      Explain carefully why the Director Circle construction of the hyperbola really produces a hyperbola based on the difference of distance definition.

b)      Also explain why the perpendicular bisector in the construction is a tangent line of the hyperbola.

Finally, in a figure, draw a circle c with center F1 and a point F2 outside the circle. 

c)      Construct the points P1 and P2 where the hyperbola constructed from this data intersects line F1F2.

d)      Construct the two lines that are asymptotes of the hyperbola.

Problem 2 (extension of Lab 4)

A weakness of the Director Circle method of construction is that if one wants to construct a conic, the data does not usually include a circle.

Draw two points F1 and F2 and somewhat randomly draw a point P.  The task in this problem will be to construct the ellipse e with foci F1 and F2 that passes through P and also the hyperbola h with foci F1 and F2 that passes through P.  There is a discussion of this in Ogilvy that may help.

a)      Construct the tangent line to the ellipse e at P.

b)      Construct a circle c1 with center F1 so that the director circle construction with this circle and F2 will construct the ellipse e through P.

Make it clear by words or labels what you have done.

c)      Construct the tangent line to the hyperbola h at P.

d)      Construct a circle c2 with center F1 so that the director circle construction with this circle and F2 will construct the hyperbola h through P.

Make it clear by words or labels what you have done.

e)      Explain why e and h are orthogonal at P.

Problem 3 (from Friday)

In class Friday we saw that given a triangle ABC, one can construct circles a, b, c with centers A, B, C so that the 3 circles are tangent externally.  The method was to construct 3 points on the sides of triangle ABC that are the points of tangency of the incircle,  in other words the feet of the 3 perpendiculars to the sides from the incenter, the point of concurrency of the interior angle bisectors.

For this problem, also draw a random triangle ABC and extend the sides to lines.

a)      Construct 3 circles a1, b1, c1 tangent to each other and with centers A, B, C but with one of the circles containing the other two.

Hint:  Try constructing on of the excircles of ABC (one of the other 3 circles besides the incircle that are tangent to lines AB, BC, CA.

b)      Explain what you did.

c)      Once you have done the construction, explain why it works.

Problem 4 (more tangent circles)

Draw a circle c with center O and diameter AB.  Construct circles c1 and c2 with diameters OA and OB.  Now construct a circle d  tangent to these 3 circles.  Finally, construct a circle e tangent to c, d and c1.  What figure is the quadrilateral formed by the centers of c, c1, d, e.  Make your steps clear.