Math 487 Lab 10: Exploring the Poincaré Disk Model

The work of this lab is closely related to Assignment 3/15. Be sure to compare with the assignment. The first part of lab will the collected by observation and by checking off the Construction Checklist handed out in lab.

Background and definitions

This is one model for hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry. We will write "circle" when we mean a circle in the sense of inversive geometry (it is either a Euclidean circle or a Euclidean line).

We call the points and lines in the Poincaré model (when it is not clear from the context) P-points and P-lines. If a P-line m is an arc of a circle m_, then m_ is called the support or the supporting circle of m.

The points on the circle o (i.e., on the circle itself, not the interior) are called ideal points. They are not true points of the model but we will see that they represent directions at infinity. They are useful in making some constructions in the model.

Line reflection of a P-point A in a P-line m is the P-point A', where A' is the inversion (or reflection if m is a line) of point A in "circle" m.

The angle between P-lines is measured as the usual angle measure between Euclidean circles.


(1) For each construction in non-Euclidean geometry, interpret the statement as a construction in the P-model using "circles" and then carry out the construction. Begin by drawing the circle o which is the "universe" that you are operating in.

(2) For P-lines, you can either draw the whole circle orthogonal to o and just ignore the part outside or else you can also construct the arc interior to o on top of the circle. The latter is a bit more complicated keeping straight but looks better; you can decide for yourself (maybe on a case by case basis) whether to work with the arc or the circle.

Lab Activity 1. Parallel Lines.

Begin by drawing the circle o with center O through radius point R.

  1. Given two P-points A and B construct a P-line through A and B. (For this dynamic construction, you can set aside the special case when the P-line is a Euclidean line). You will find it very convenient if you make a P-line script with givens O, R, A, B.
  2. Add a second line CD to your figure. Keep A, B and C fixed and drag D and observe the appearance of the figure when line CD intersects line AB and when it is disjoint.
  3. Given a P-point A and an ideal point J, construct a P-line a whose supporting circle passes through A and J. (You may also want to save this as a script.). Terminology: we will say that the line a passes through A and J even though J is an ideal point. Given additional P-points B and C, construct P-lines b through B and J and c through C and J.

Lab Activity 2. Perpendicular Lines.

  1. Given a P-line m through E and F and a P-point A, construct a P-line n through A which is perpendicular to m. Make a Perpendicular P-line script, with givens O, R, E, F, and A. (Note two possible cases: A is on m and A is not on m. Can you handle both with one script?).
  2. Given two ultraparallel P-lines m and n, construct the P-line p which is orthogonal to both m and n.

Lab Activity 3. Mirror lines

  1. Construct 3 P-lines to form a P-triangle ABC. Reflect the triangle across a P-line m to form a P-triangle A'B'C'. These triangles are congruent. Drag the triangle ABC and also m around to observe what congruent triangles look like in the model.
  2. Given two P-points A and B, construct a P-line m so that the P-reflection of A in m is B. (This is the P-line of symmetry of AB, that is the mirror line of A and B or also the perpendicular bisector.) Save as a script.

Lab Activity 4. P-Circles are E-circles

We don't yet know how to measure distance in the P-model, but we do know how to reflect across a line so we can find what a circle looks like.

  1. Constructing circle points by reflecting in a moving mirror: Take a P-point A and P-line m = P-line AB. Now choose any P-point Q. Reflect Q across m to get Q'. Now trace Q' as you drag B (and thus rotate the P-line AB around A). Note that Q' appears to trace a Euclidean circle.
  2. Construct an E-circle which is a P-circle: Construct the Euclidean circle d through Q which is orthogonal to the supporting circles m_ and n_ of two P-lines m and n through A. Make a script for this or use an old one.
  3. Circumcircle Question: In the P-model, do three non-collinear points A, B, C always lie on a circle? Make a figure that sheds some light on this.
  4. Horocycles: Given an ideal point X and point P, consider the locus of reflections P' of P in lines XB for all possible points B.

Lab Activity 5. Compass constructions with P-circles

This works best if you have made a P-circle script. Remember that the P-circle is just a special Apollonian circle, so you may be able to adapt an old script.

  1. Given two P-points A and B, construct the circle with P-center A through B and the circle with P-center B through A. Then if C and D are the points of intersection of the two circles, observe that you have constructed two equilateral triangle ABC and ABD.
  2. Use the Euclidean centers of the supporting circles of AB and BC to measure the angle ABC (this is the angle between the circles, not the Euclidean angle ABC).
  3. Also, construct the P-line CD and note that it is the P-perpendicular bisector of AB.

Lab Activity 6. Equal width, equal P-Steps and P-translations

  1. Poincare "constant width". Given m = line AB, construct a point C on m.
  2. Then construct the line a through A perpendicular to m and line c through C perpendicular to m.
  3. Construct a point P on a. Then reflect line a and points A and P in c to get a', A' and P'.
  4. Poincare equal distance and ruler. In the same setup as above, with m = line AB and lines a and b perpendicular to m through A and B. Reflect A in b to get A'.
  5. Then reflect A'' in a to get A'''. Then reflect A''' in b to get A''''; then reflect the result in a again, then reflect the result in b again, and on and on.
  6. Recall the link between double reflection in parallel lines and translations in Euclidean geometry. Describe the hyperbolic transformation which is this double reflections in ultraparallels in the P-model.