Lab 8 – Cross-Ratio and Ruler Geometry

1.     How to measure cross-ratio for 4 points on a line in Sketchpad

To start with, we will simply practice computing cross ratio for 4 points on a line.

·        Draw a line AB and put two points C and D on it.

·        Measure ratio CA/CB as a 3-point ratio thus:  Select in order, points C, B, A and the HOLDING DOWN THE SHIFT KEY choose Measure > Ratio.

·        Measure DA/DB in the same way. Then use the calculator to compute the ratio of these ratios (CA/CB)/ DA/DB) = R(C, D, A, B) = R(A, B, C, D).

·        Drag C and D around and see when the cross-ratio is positive and when it is negative.  When is the ratio approximately 1?  When is it approximately –1?

·        Calculate the cross-ratio R(B, A, C, D) and check that it is the reciprocal of the previous cross-ratio.

2.     Examples of cross-ratio

2A. Harmonic division and cross-ratio

Carry out the construction from class this morning, starting with collinear A, B, C and constructing a point D on the same line. (This is on the web if you have forgotten.)  Then measure the cross-ratio R(A, B, C, D).  It should be –1.

·        Now in a new sketch, redo this figure starting from a different set of points.  Begin with 4 non-collinear points W, X, Y, Z

·        Construct (WITH LINES NOT SEGMENTS) all line connecting two of these points (6 in all).  This makes a quadrilateral and two diagonals.  Intersect these lines as in the figure.  Do you recognize this morning's figure inside?

·        On every line in the figure you should be able to find 4 points from intersecting with other lines.  In each case, the 4 points should be harmonic.  Check this by measuring cross-ratio for several examples.

2B. Cross-ratio and coordinates

Cross-ratio involves complicated relationships, but there are several basic points of view that it helps to visualize.  Here is one.  We will fix 3 points I, O, U and a variable point X and trace the value of the cross ratio R(I, O, U, X).

·        In a new sketch, choose Show Axes. Let O and E denote the origin and unit point on the x-axis.

·        Place a point P on the y-axis and construct the line through P parallel to the x-axis. Place a point I on this new line.

·        Draw line OI.  Construct a point X on this line. Draw line PX and let T be the intersection of PX and the x-axis.

·        Draw line PE and let U be the intersection of PE and OI.

·        Finally, measure the cross-ratio (in order) R(I, O, U, X).  Then measure the coordinates of T.  You should see a relationship.  We will explore this relationship on Friday and beyond.  Keep this figure for future reference.

3.     Comparing complete quad construction with inversion and stereo projection

Here is a remarkable ruler construction for tangents that we will want to explain.

·        Start with a circle with center O and any point P outside the circle. 

·        Draw two secant lines PU and PV though P intersecting the circle in AB and CD.

·        Then let X and Y be the intersections of AB and AC and BD and AD and BC. 

·        Draw line XY and intersect with the circle at S and T.  Then PS and PT should be tangents! This is a tangent construction that only uses the straightedge.

·        Also, the line XY should intersect OP at P', the inversion of P. (Do you see the harmonic construction in this?) Line XY is also perpendicular to OP.

·        Move P around, even inside the circle. The line XY is still defined and still contains P'. 

·        This line XY is called the Polar line of P.  An efficient way to construct it is simply as the perpendicular to OP through P'

4.     Polar line of a point and pole of a line

These are experiments.  We will be proving this.

·        Start with a circle and a point P and its polar line p.  Then construct any point Q on p and its polar line q.  Check that P is on q for any choice of Q on p.

·        Start with a circle and two points A and B.  Construct the polar lines a and b of A and B.  Let C be the intersection of a and b.  Then the polar line of C is line AB.