Math 487 Lab #5 - Conic Sections

Wed 2/5/02

Many ways of defining curves which turn out to be conics.

A. Two foci and a distance sum or difference

Probably the most familiar definition of an ellipse (or a hyperbola) is in terms of the sum of distances to two points. We start with this.

Note: The singular of foci is focus.

Set up the lengths and measures


Construct two circles and trace the intersections

In the sketch, draw two points and label them F1 and F2.

Select segment d1 and point F1 and construct the circle c1 with center F1 and radius d1. Do the same for F2 and d2 to construct circle c2. Intersect the two circles and trace the two points of intersection as you drag point C between A and B.

Experiment with the trace

Questions A

  1. Explain precisely why, when the trace appears to be some kind of oval, that the points P of the trace satisfy the definition of an ellipse. Tell what is the constant k and why.
  2. Explain precisely why, when the trace appears to be some kind of unbounded curve with two parts, that the points P of the trace satisfy the definition of a hyperbola . Tell what is the constant k and why.
  3. What are the relationships among F1, F2 and A and B that determine whether the trace is an ellipse or a hyperbola (or something else)? In other words, what data about these points are needed in order to predict whether an ellipse or a hyperbola is drawn? (And how do we make the prediction?) Explain your reasoning.

B. Distance Ratio — two point case

A review experiment with the same figure

C. Distance Ratio — point and line case

We will continue by creating another trace, this time with the ratio of the distance to a point and the distance to a line being a constant. We can do it by making a few additions to our current sketch.

Definition. For this curve, the line d is called the directrix of the curve and the point F1 is called the focus. It is not obvious that this focus definition has anything to do with the other one, but it does.

Questions C

  1. For what values of e do you get a trace that appears to be an ellipse? What values appear to give a parabola? What values appear to give a hyperbola? Consider that the ratio e tells the relative rate of growth of the radius of the circle and the half-distance between p1 and p2. Using this idea of rate of growth, explain for what ratios the circle will only intersect one line and when the circle will intersect both lines. Also you can explain what ratio will give a bounded figure and what ratio will give an unbounded figure.
  2. If we wish to define the parabola as the locus above which is an unbounded locus but for which the circle only intersects one of the lines p1 or p2. Tell what value of e makes this true.
  3. (Later) In the (x,y) plane, let the y-axis with equation x = 0 be the directrix and let F1 the focus = (p,0). Write down the ratio e in terms of coordinates and get an equation for the curve.

Note: The ratio e is called the eccentricity of the curve. These curves do turn out to be conic sections, but it is not obvious from this definition at all.

D. Parabolas and Circle Centers

(For D and E, see GTC, Investigations 1 and 2 of Exploration 6.4, pages 89-93, for more details. Also see Ogilvy.)

E. Ellipses and Hyperbolas and Circle Centers

(See GTC, Investigations 1 and 2 of Exploration 6.4, pages 89-93, for more details. Also see Ogilvy.)

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