Apollonian Circles (as introduced in Ogilvy, pp. 13-17)

1. The circle as a trace

2. Constructing the circle using angle bisectors.

Orthogonal Circle Basics

  1. In GTC, carry out 9.1, Investigations 2 and 3, pp. 149-151 (excluding the Explore More).
  2. Once you have made the circle, trace the circle as you drag point D.  Observe that all the circles not only pass through A but also through another point on the other side of the circle from A (this will turn out to be the inversion of A in the circle).
  3. Carry out the last construction of 9.1, on page 152, and turn it into a script as directed.
  4. Construct with Sketchpad a figure like Fig 16, on p. 22 of Ogilvy (you can make one circle through AB and move it, tracing the tangent points)

Inversion Basics

Carry out GTC 9.3, Investigation 1, pp 158-160.