Math 445 Final Exam

Part A. Answer all questions 1-3.

1. Inversion of Line Proof

Given a circle c and a line m, prove that the inversion of m in c is either a circle or a line. (The point at infinity is considered to be included in all lines).

2. Figures in the P-model

  1. A triangle ABC in the P-model has 3 perpendicular bisectors of the sides. State the possible relationships among these 3 lines and draw a sketch illustrating each of the possibilities.
  2. Is this possible? If so, sketch an example.

  3. Is there a set of 3 points in the P-model which are not P-collinear and also not contained in a P-circle. Explain. Make a sketch.

Part B. Do 4 problems.

4. Harmonic Division and Cross Ratio

  1. In the figure is a line AB and a point P on this line. Construct with straightedge and compass a point Q so that PQ divides AB harmonically.
  2. On the number line, let the points A, B, C, D be 0, 100, 99, 101. What is the cross ratio R(A, B, C, D)? Use cross ratio to tell whether A, B, C, D is harmonic.


5. Inversion and Orthogonal Circle Proof

Write an explanation that tells what inversion is and the relationship between inversion and orthogonal circles. Be clear about key concepts and reasons. Imagine that your audience is a student who has just taken Math 444 and thus knows the basic theorems of plane geometry but has never heard of inversion.

6. Construction of ellipse with tangents

In the figure are two points A and B, a segment CD of length d and a line m. The set of P such that |AP| + |BP| = d is an ellipse. Construct the point P of the ellipse which is on line m such that m is the tangent line to the ellipse at P.


7. Pascal

State the Pascal theorem about conics and explain briefly how this is used to construct a conic through 5 points..

8. Desargues

Draw a figure with two triangles A1 B1 C1 and A2 B2 C2 that illustrates the Desargues Theorem when the intersection of A1 A2 and B1 B2 is a point at infinity (i.e., the two coplanar triangles are perspective from a point at infinity).

9. Inversion Sketch

Consider a figure made up of 3 lines OA1, OA2 OA3 and 3 circles through O with diameters OA1, OA2 OA3. Invert in circle with center O. What does image look like? Sketch the image. Indicate important relationships.