Part 1. Orthogonal Circles (30 or 40 minutes)

The goal of the first part of the lab is to consolidate the ideas for constructing orthogonal circles.

Break up into 3 groups of 2 or 3. Each group should do the construction and save it to the server in the Math 487 folder. One member of each group will act as scribe and send an email for (to with the names of the group members and the answers to the questions (the group decides on the answers, not just the scribe. Be sure to show your construction to the other groups.

Group 1.

Given two circles c and d and a point P, construct the circle m through P orthogonal to c and d. The construction should work wherever the circles are moved, intersecting or not, and whether or not the point P is inside or outside the circles.

Questions for email:

Group 2.

Given a circle c with center O and two points P and Q, construct the circle m through P and Q orthogonal to c. The construction should work whether or not the points P and/or Q are inside or outside the circle.

Questions for email:

Group 3.

Given three disjoint circles c, d, e, construct the circle m orthogonal to all three circles. The Sketchpad construction should construct m wherever c, d and e move (except for positions where m is not supposed to exist).

Questions for email:

Part 2. Images under inversion (the rest of the lab time)