Math 487 Lab 4

Dr. Whatif's Euclidean Geometry.

This is an example of a model for Euclidean geometry which is not the standard (x,y) plane. We call this DWEG, for Dr. Whatif's Euclidean Geometry.

Here is the model: Choose a point in the ordinary plane and label it O.

The points in DWEG are the points of the plane excluding O but including the point at infinity.

The lines in DWEG are ordinary circles or lines through O. Since O is the point that is not there, it is not included as a point in any DWEG-line. But the point at infinity is considered one of the points of any DWEG-line defined by a Euclidean line.

The angles between lines in DWEG are the usual angles between circles or between lines and circles in Euclidean geometry.

DWEG Lab Activity. The Basics.

Now here is the drill. Use what you know about constructing circles to carry out the basic constructions of Euclidean geometry in this model.

  1. Given two DWEG-points A and B construct a DWEG-line through A and B (in other words, construct a circle; you can set aside the special case when the DWEG-line is a Euclidean line. Make a script 'DW-line AB' that takes as givens, the points O, A, B.
  2. Given a DWEG-line m through A and B and a DWEG-point C, construct a DWEG-line n through C which is perpendicular to m. (Note two possible cases: C is on m and C is not on m. Can you handle both with one sketch?) Make a script 'DW-perp AB thru C' that takes as givens, the points O, A, B, C.
  3. Given a DWEG-line m through A and B and a DWEG-point C not on m, construct a DWEG-line p through C which is parallel to m. Make a script 'DW-parallel AB thru C' that takes as givens, the points O, A, B, C.
  4. Construct a rectangle in DWEG by constructing two parallel lines and two lines perpendicular to the parallels.

DWEG Lab Activity. Circles.

We don't yet know how to measure distance in DWEG, but we do know how to reflect across a line. We declare line reflection in DWEG to be the same as circle inversion in Euclidean geometry.

Now, here is how we can find what a circle looks like. Take a DWEG point A and two lines m and n through A. Now choose any point B. Reflect B across m to get B', then reflect B' across n to get B'' then reflect B'' across m to get B''', etc. This gives points so that the segments AB, AB', AB'', AB''', etc. are all congruent (if we believe that reflection is an isometry.

All these points lie on a Euclidean circle c. (You can see that this looks correct with Sketchpad, why is it true?

DWEG Lab Activity. A Ruler made from Equal Steps.

First do this with a regular Euclidean figure.

Now do the same for a DWEG figure to construct a ruler on a DWEG line p.

DWEG Lab Activity. A Triangle and a Square

Since you have made scripts that draw lines and circles, you have the Euclidean construction tools. Use these tools to construct these figures.