Halfturn and Glide Reflection Summary

Halfturn Summary


Definition:  HA, the halfturn with center A (also called the point reflection with center A) is the rotation A180 with center A and angle 180 degrees.


A halfturn is its own inverse:  A180 A180 = A360  = I


A halfturn is the product of line reflections in perpendicular lines.

·       If m and n are any two lines perpendicular at A, then HA = RmRn. 

·       In particular, this means that also HA = RnRm. 


This is a special case of the general theorem about products of line reflections for lines intersecting at a point A.  In general, the product is the rotation by twice the angle between the lines, so in this case, 2 * 90 = 180.


You can also see this fact directly from the same right angle figure we studied for the Carpenter theorem.  The angle PQR is a right angle and distances AP = AQ = AR, so A is the circumcenter of the right triangle, so is the midpoint of PR.


Glide Reflection Summary


A Glide Reflection G is defined to be the composition G = TR of a line reflection R = Rk followed by a translation T = TAB, where AB is parallel to m.  (The notation TAB means that T(A) = B.  We can think of AB as the translation vector of T.  We can choose A (and thus B) on line k if we wish.


T is the product of two line reflections T = RmRn.  Since the direction of the translation is AB, parallel to k, then m and n are perpendicular to k.  



So we can also write G =  RmRnRk.  G is the product of 3 line reflections, two of which are perpendicular to the third.  If we set A = intersection of n and k, then m passes through C, the midpoint of A and B.


·       If we group G  = (RmRn)Rk, we see that G = TR. 


·       But if we group G = Rm(RnRk), we see that G = RmHA.


Since line reflection in perpendicular lines commutes, we also have


G =  RmRnRk = RmRkRn =  RkRmRn