Math 487 Lab 10 (Napoleon Theorem)

The Napoleon Figure

Construct the following figure. It may go faster if you create a tool 'Eqtri with center from side' for constructing a equilateral triangle ABC with center O given points A and B (i.e., construct the triangle from the edge, but also construct the center and hide the construction lines).

Use this tool to make a Napoleon figure like this one.


The Napoleon Theorem by Experiment

Napoleon's theorem states that XYZ is equilateral for any choice of ABC (

Why is this Napoleon's Theorem? It is claimed (probably not entirely accurately) that this theorem was discovered by Emperor Napoleon of France. What is really true is that he did have a taste for mathematics and also surrounded himself with quite a few mathematicians in his government. He also set up some French schools like the Polytechnique, that are still very important scientific institutions today. And it makes for a very memorable name for the theorem.

Proof based on transformations

Part 1.  Investigating the Products of 120-degree rotations

In the proof we will compose three 120-degree rotatoins. So on a new, separate page, let's review what this will look like.

Question:  What kind of isometry is the transformation that takes P to P'''.  This isometry is the composition T = Z120Y120X120.

Answer ___________________________

Question: Where is Z when this occurs?

Answer ____________________

Part 2.  The proof of Napoleon's Theorem

What is P'' in this figure if P' = A? _________________

What is P''' in this figure given the P'' above? _________________

Answer: Triangle XYZ is __________________________________

Part 3.  Building a Napoleon Figure with Rotations

In a new sketch, draw a point X and a point Y.  Let Z be the rotation of X with center Y by 60 degrees.

Part 4.  Covering the plane by a Napoleon tessellation

Question:  What are the symmetries of this tessellation?  Does this suggest another reason why the points X, Y, Z have to form an equilateral triangle?