Lab 9 (due Monday 11/28)

This lab can either be done during normal lab time or as a take-home lab.  For those in the regular lab there will be a Sketchpad document to produce and turn in.  For those with the take-home, the lab can either be turned in as a Sketchpad document or on paper.  There will be more detailed in instructions in the lab.

Part 1: Dihedral groups and Rosette Groups

 In this section you will construct a few examples of figures with dihedral symmetry groups and answer some questions. The rosette groups are finite symmetry groups made up of rotations only.

Link to Lab 9 Part 1

Part 2: Wallpaper groups

This part of the lab studies patterns that cover the whole plane by focusing on some patterns generated by certain rules for placing a square tile. In each case you will analyze all the symmetries and describe them.

Link to Lab 9 Part 2