Day 3

Math 444, Monday, 10/4

Sponsor Today's class is brought to you by the Triangle Inequality.
Topics Properties of Kites. Proof of ASA and SSS. Discussion of proof methods. Inequalities.
Class Schedule
  • Student presentation and discussion of ASA.
  • Proof of SSS from kites. Group recorder writes up the proof.
  • Group: A proof that all triangles are isosceles(!).
  • Exterior angle theorem.
  • Other inequalities.

Reading Assignment (due Wednesday 10/6)

Read Berele-Goldman 2.1.

Group Investigation 10/4: Each recorder turns in report with proof of SSS via email by Wednesday midnight.

Due Today

Reading in Berele Goldman: Finish reading Chapter 1.

Study Assignment 1. Read and understand ASA.

Group Investigation 10/1: Recorder turns in report via email no later than Monday midnight.

Ongoing Assignment 2 due Wednesday.

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