Midterm Make-up Quiz

1. Problem: A Distance

In the figure, point A' is on ray CA and point B' is on ray CB. Suppose |CA| = a and |CA'|= 6/a.  Also |CB| = 2 and |CB'| = 3.  If |A'B'| = c, what is |AB|?

Show your work and give (brief) reasons.

Answer: |AB| =   ___________


2. Problem: Ratios in a trapezoid (25 points)

Let ABCD be a trapezoid, with side AB parallel to CD. 

Suppose that diagonal AC intersects diagonal BD at P and line BC intersects DA at Q.

Also, the line through P parallel to AB intersects BC at G and DA at H.

The length of AB = 4 and the length of CD = 1. (The figure is not to scale.)

For each question, write the answer in the blank space, but show your work below. (This is not a proof; just show how you solved it.)

(a)    Find the ratio |GC|/|GB|.  _________________

(b)   Find the ratio |QC|/|QB|.  _________________

(c)    Find the ratio |DP|/|DB|.  _________________

(d)   Find the ratio |BG|/|BQ|.  _________________

(e)    Extra: No further computation necessary if you have answered a-d: Write the barycentric coordinates of P with respect to ABQ  _________________