Lab 3 - Carpenter theorem

Bring GTC Chapter 4

After completing each step of the lab, on a separate piece paper with your name on it, write answers to the question (or questions) that follows.

Q1. Based on your experience with the two Investigations, write a conjecture in the form of a theorem that appears to be true, based on the experiment. Make the statement as strong as you can.

Q2. Sketch a right triangle and draw 3 segments that are supposed to be equal, based on the Investigations in this section. Conjecture the location of the circumcenter and sketch the circumcircle for thie right triangle.

Q3. Show a division of the triangle into subtriangles and state a theorem about congruence of the subtriangles that (if proved) will show the 3 segments above are equal and prove your conjecture.

Q4. In the figure on page 48, state a relationship between angle CDE and CAE and explain why it is true.

Q5. When D is one of the two points where the trace meets the circle, how is line BD related to the circle? Explain why.

Q6. Make the two constructions with Sketchpad and show an instructor that they pass the Drag Test. Also, make a Tool of the tangent construction that takes as givens A, B, C and no other points.