Math 444 Assignment Week 3

Reminder -- Quiz 1: Friday, 10/17

The quiz will take all or most of the class period. It will include questions, constructions, and problems based on work through 10/15.

Assignment 3A (Due Wed 10/15)

Reading: Practice the ratio problems, B&B pp. 64-65. Study the rest of Chapter 3 in B&B, especially starred problems, all Principles and Corollaries, and chapter Summary.

Altitudes and feet

In a triangle, an altitude is a line through a vertex perpendicular to the opposite side. The foot of the altitude is the intersection of the altitude with the opposite side (extended to a line if necessary).

3.1 Distances in a right triangle

Triangle ABC has a right angle at C, with |AB| = c, |BC| = a, |CA| = b. Let D be the foot of the altitude through C.

3.2 Altitude lengths in triangles

In triangle ABC, let A', B', C' be the feet of the altitudes through A, B, C, respectively.

Remark: You may notice a connection of this result with area. This connection will be explored soon, but at the moment we do not (officially) know anything about area; but we do know a lot about similar triangles.

3.3 Dilations and midpoints

Let ABC be a triangle and let B' be a point on AB and C' a point on AC with |AB'|/|AB| = |AC'|/|AC|.

3.4 Nested isosceles

Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. Let D be a point on AB with CD = CB. If |AB| = 63 and |BC| = 17, what is |BD|? Show your reasoning.