Quiz 4 Comments

Problem 1.

This problem is about the division of isometries into "even"  (also called "direct" or "orientation-preserving") and "odd" (also called "indirect" or "orientation-reversing").

Problem 2

This problem is about the concept of symmetry (the definition and the symmetry group concept) and also some practical work with compositions.

Problem 3

This problem is about half-turns (point reflections). 

Problem 4

The bulk of this problem was constructing the center of the product rotation. 

Problem 5

This asks for the definition of isometry, the meaning of angle-preserving, and a proof of the angle-preserving properties of isometries.

Problem 6

 This asks for construction of the defining data of a glide transformation.

Problem 7

The underlying big idea of this is that if you have a couple of 90-degree rotations in a symmetry group, the pattern of rotations is forced and is always the same (it is the pattern in any p4-type symmetry).  A lot of attention has been paid to these square-based symmetry patterns in lab and homework.