Math 487 Lab 3: Distance from Lines

Sketchpad Lore: Read this first

Distance from a Point to a Line

  1. Work through Exp 5.2, Investigation 2: Construction – Distance Slider

Answer in Writing: Q1, Q3

  1. Continue the same Investigation 2: Construction – Other Measurements

Answer in Writing: Q2, Q4 (there may be a typo here: the relationship is between CD and CE), Q6


  1. Work through Exp 5.3, Investigation 1: Within an Inch of a Line

Construct in Sketchpad the object for Q2.

Answer in Writing: Q1, Q3

In GSP, modify the experiment as in Explore More – Distance to a Segment. Sketch on the report the outline of the object in this exploration.

  1. Create 3 tools, the two tools in Exp 5.3, Investigation 2: Scripts for Strips and one other. [Just read over quickly the section Construction – A Strip and its Midline.]

·        Make the Tool described in Construction – Constructing a Strip from the Midline and a Point.

·        Make the Tool described in Construction – Constructing a Strip from the Midline and a Length.

·        Make a tool Circle by Center + Tangent Line that will take as input a point C and a line AB and construct a circle as in the Figure on page 61 (without the interior).  This tool, used twice, would construct the figure on page 62,

Ripples, Strips, and Inscribed Circles

  1. Work through the first 3 pages of Exp 5.3, Investigation 3, Ripples, Strips, and Inscribed Circles.  These investigations are about two intersecting strips.

Answer in writing, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

  1. Continue with the rest of Exp 5.3, Investigation 3:

Check off on the Report when you have completed these constructions.

Answer in writing, Q1, Q2, Q3.  These are the Major Conclusions from the Lab.