Answers to Quizlet 4.5

  1. If there exists a set of p vectors which span a vector space V, then the dimension of V is less than or equal to p.

Answer: True, as the statement is equivalent to saying that a subset of these p vectors would form a basis for V.

  1. Recall that every polynomial can be thought of as a vector, a vector determined by the coefficiants of the polynomial. How many polynomials does it take to span the space of all quadratic (degree 2) polynomials in a single variable?

Answer: 3. Any quadratic polynomial in the single variable x can be written in the form a x^2 +b x +c. That's three different coefficients so this space of polynomials is of dimension 3, requiring three basis vectors (i.e. three polynomials).

  1. If p=2 or p>2 and dim V=p then every set of p-1 nonzero vectors is linearly independent.

Answer: False, consider R^3 and the set of vectors (1,0,0) and (2,0,0). Thats (3-1) vectors and they are linearly dependent.

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