Math 308 Week 4 Assignments

Reading for this week and up to the Midterm

This week we begin Chapter 3. Roughly the classes will correspond to these sections:

Note: Midterm is Friday 10/27. There will be a further explanation of what will be on the midterm in a separate document.

Note about Chapter 2: As has been pointed out, this chapter presents prerequisite material about vectors, lines, planes, etc in 2-space and 3-space that is taught in Math 126. So you have seen this material before. This material will supply many examples and problems in the more general theory in Chapter 3, so the better you know it, the better you will understand Chapter 3 (though Chapter 3 may shed some light on Chapter 2 also). Anyway, it is expected that you can handle examples in 2-space and 3-space. If you have questions or need help with material in Chapter 2, you are welcome to ask.

Practice Problems (not to be turned in)

For Friday 10/20

For Monday 10/23

For Wednesday 10/25

Written Assignment #4 (due Wed 10/25 at the beginning of class)

Section 3.3

Section 3.4

End of Chapter, Page 266, Supplementary Problems