Gunther Uhlmann

Robert R. and Elaine F. Phelps Endowed Professor

University of Washington
Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
C-449 Padelford Hall
Box 354350
Seattle, Washington 98195-4350

Phone: 206-543-1946

Fax: 206-543-0397


Research interests:
Inverse Problems and Imaging, Partial Differential Equations, Microlocal Analysis, Scattering Theory.

Curriculum Vitae

Short CV

PhD Students and Postdocs

Recent Publications

Our work on invisibility

Inverse Problems in General Relativity

"Conformal Geometry, Analysis and Physics (2022)" conference celebrating Robin Graham's 65th birthday and academic retirement

"Inverse Problems in Analysis and Geometry (2022)" conference celebrating Gunther Uhlmann's 70th birthday

"Harmonic Analysis and Waves (2022)," conference celebrating Hart Smith’s 60th birthday

Semester at RICAM, Fall 2022 "Tomography Across the Scales"

"BIRS Inverse Problems and Nonlinearity (2023)" Conference

Semester at IPAM, Fall 2021: Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Online Inverse Problems Seminar at UCI

A Conference on Inverse Problems, Irvine, CA, June 18-22, 2012.

Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA)